The emperor declared me again

Chapter 452 The reason for having a son

Chapter 452 The reason for having a son
Su Ziqi, "."

Nian Chenfeng continued: "Daddy has three brothers and sisters in this generation. Daddy is the eldest son. You also know this. Daddy and mother gave birth to four sons before they got a daughter. As for the common children, there is only one daughter." , this daughter can still figure it out, so father doesn't like to see Nian Yating mother and daughter very much."

Saying that, Nian Chenfeng showed a sarcastic smile. Nian Yating's birth mother had been calculating for a long time, but she never thought that she would be exiled to the outer courtyard. She deserved it for being ignored for many years!

"As for the second uncle's family, as far as I know, they are all sons. The Nian family is not very fond of taking concubines. If they fall in love with each other for a lifetime, the relationship between the second uncle and the second aunt is very good. There should be no concubine children. The second uncle's family Several cousins ​​got married very early, and now they are all sons and daughters, but the strange thing is that the children of the cousins ​​are also sons, and there is no daughter. In this way, there are more men than women in these two generations. , it can be said that there are almost no daughters.”

Su Ziqi did a survey when she got married and knew about the situation of the Nian family, but she didn't expect the situation of the Nian family to be so serious.

"Qi'er, your family is from the Xinglin family, have you seen any similar cases?"

Su Ziqi tried hard to think back, "Yes, there are. There were people who came to seek medical treatment before, and they said that they were daughters born in the family. Even if they found another woman to have daughters, they would still be daughters. After marriage, daughters would still be daughters, even if they had no sons. They were worried. The incense could not be passed on, so I came here to seek medical treatment. I have also met families who specialize in giving birth to sons, just like the Nian family, basically no daughters. These cases have made my father very distressed, and I can't figure out why.

Later, I thought about it out of curiosity, and thought it might be a problem with Fengshui or my ancestors. Fengshui affects people's fate, and naturally it can also affect the fate of their children. As for the ancestors, there may be similar situations, so it is equivalent to repeated experiences.It's just that there is no conclusion as to why. "

Nian Chenfeng was a little disappointed when he heard that, the age gap between him and Nian Yayi was the smallest, so he had the best time playing. It can be said that he took his younger sister with him when he was young. The younger sister was soft and soft when she was young, and she had a soft voice. Unlike a boy at all, he really wants to have a little padded jacket.

However, looking at the situation of the Nian family, it is estimated that this wish will be difficult to achieve.

Nian Chenfeng sighed helplessly and did not continue this topic.

In the room of Nian Lingzhen and Mrs. Nian.

Mrs. Nian still found it unbelievable when she thought of what Mo Liyuan said during the day.

"Master, do you think what the emperor said is true? How many children will pass the throne to Yi'er? Even let Yi'er become the queen, why can't I believe it!"

Nian Lingzhen was much calmer, "Everyone knows that the emperor hates the queen. At the beginning, the Ye family did not hesitate to seek the emperor for this matter, and the emperor also approached the emperor many times. The emperor still did his own thing. Later I found out that the Ye family used to first The prince is a party, and the emperor doesn't like the Ye family. It makes sense, but the queen may have been beaten. In addition, I heard that the emperor spends the night in Yi'er Palace every day and doesn't go to other places at all. If this is the case, what about the other concubines? Possibly pregnant with a child? In this case, the only heir of the emperor will be Yi'er's child."

Mrs. Nian gasped. She had heard about this incident, and it was spread in circles, but she never thought it was true.

 Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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