end ninja world

Chapter 29 Missing

Chapter 29 Missing
"Uchiha Tatsuya."

The reaction of the boy named Obito was different from the other children. The boy with goggles clenched his fist, and then slammed it into the air.

"I will surpass him!"

He remembered the name.

Ignoring a boy's solemn promise, Uchiha Tatsuo took the lake water and wiped his cheeks, then turned and left.

a faraway place.

The raindrops in the sky seem to be tireless, and the light rain patters for another whole day, and the endless rain curtain connects the sky.

The surface of the lake reflecting the sky also became a little gloomy, with countless splashes of water.

Three small figures were holding hands and standing tremblingly on the surface of the water. A tall man with snow-white hair was standing on a boulder by the shore of the lake, with two bright red streaks hanging down from under his eyes.

He was quietly watching the three disciples practicing chakra control skills.

The breeze moved the raindrops, as if the bead curtain in the sky was being lifted, there was a soft crashing sound, jade beads of all sizes rolled down, and the hair on Jiraiya's forehead was also blown.

A pair of pitch-black pupils are rarely peaceful, silently looking into the distance, and also thinking about other things.

There are some distractions.

Holding a wet note in the palm of his hand, the ink has been diluted a little, dripping down the smooth rock along the rough fingers.

"Kato is dead."

There was a faint sound of thunder from the sky, and there was a faint movement.

That heart that has been silent.

"She... must be very sad now..."

Uneasy, hesitant, difficult to make a decision.

"If... go back..."



"It's almost unsteady."

The palms of the lavender-haired girl holding the two boys were a little tense.

The layer of fine chakra attached to the feet is constantly swaying with the swaying of the lake.

The body is like a leaf falling in the wind.

There were layers of ripples on the surface of the lake blown by the breeze, and there were endless raindrops.

"Hang on, Xiaonan."

Yahiko grabbed Xiaonan's hand, bearing an extra weight on his body, but still tried to keep it as stable as possible.

The red-haired boy stood the most stable.

The chakra at the foot of Nagato shone with a light blue light, which was much thicker than that of Yahiko and Konan's chakra, and relatively speaking, it was much more stable.

Nagato's control over Chakra is the best among the three.

But Xiao Nan's progress is the fastest. From being left far behind by the two boys at the beginning, he is catching up now.

Although the starting point is a bit low, but the progress is rapid, and the upper limit is still very high.

Relatively speaking, Yahiko lacked some stamina, and the boy himself had some awareness, secretly anxious.

Perhaps, it won't be long before he will be surpassed by Xiaonan, which makes it difficult for Yahiko who has always been proud in his heart to accept.

If you want to realize your ideals, you need more efforts.

Finally, Xiaonan was the first to be unable to hold on, and fell into the lake without standing still. Yahiko was also brought down, and only Nagato stood alone.

Circles of black ripples in the eyes are slowly spreading.

After living together for nearly a year, the secret of Nagato's eyes has long been known to Konan and Yahiko. The two are also very happy. The stronger Nagato is, the easier it will be for them to realize their dreams in the future.

For such a long time, without Uchiha Tatsumi, Yahiko has successfully brainwashed the two of them, turning his great ideals into everyone's great ideals.

Jiraiya silently observed that the children did not interfere with anything.

As for Nagato's eyes, he couldn't hide it from Ziraiya, after all, he had been teaching the three of them as a teacher for almost a year.

Jiraiya was also shocked when he saw Nagato's eyes for the first time.

Even if he is well-informed, it is difficult for him to distinguish what kind of blood successor boundary this is.

After all, the ninja world is so vast, and there are countless blood successors with various secret techniques. Many powerful blood succession families were also annihilated during the Warring States period before the village was established.

It is not surprising that Nagato has a kind of magical eyes.

The two of them also had a long conversation one night, and Zilai also enlightened the red-haired boy.

"Possessing a powerful Blood Succession Boundary is not an unknown power, but more importantly, it depends on whether the user of the power has good intentions."

"If you use this power to realize your ideals, then it is the right thing."

Nagato's personality is introverted, and he couldn't understand Mr. Jiraiya's words for a while, so he just nodded with a vague understanding.

"I understand."

"Thank you, Teacher Jiraiya."

Nagato carried the two people who fell into the water to the shore of the lake, Xiaonan and Yahiko both turned into drowned chickens, their bodies were wet, and the breeze could not help but shiver.

Yet the man standing on the rock remained unmoved for a long time.

Think about one of the most important decisions in your life.

Her long snow-white hair fluttered in the wind.

"Hey, Teacher Jiraiya!"

Yahiko shouted angrily.

"There are no beauties here, who are you posing for?"

"Huh? Oh?"

Only then did the man with a stern expression standing on the rock wake up.

Seeing the two brats shivering from the cold below, he broke his skills in a second, scratched his hair and laughed awkwardly.

"Hahaha, you little brat, don't talk nonsense."

"What a beauty"

And Konan glared at Yahiko with some annoyance, but the orange-haired boy didn't notice it, and kept trembling with his hands on his shoulders.

Jilai also jumped down, and as his body fell, a big fireball was blown out, and with the seal of one hand, a huge fireball nearly two meters high suddenly stood in midair.


Bound by strong winds and tangled flames.

The growth of the huge fireball stopped in front of Kominami Yahiko Nagato and the other three.

Although Jiraiya seems to be only thirty years old, his strength is unfathomable.

The control of ninjutsu is even more superb. The casually exposed hand is enough to surpass most ninjas in the world. Ninjutsu in his hands is like a toy, which can be flattened, rounded and manipulated at will.

In an instant, the moisture on the three of them was dried.


"We've been able to stand on the water for more than 10 minutes."

The candles were lit, and in a large abandoned wooden house on the shore of the lake, three people sat cross-legged at a table.

The smell of food is constantly wafting out from the kitchen.

Xiao Nan walked in with a plate of carefully grilled chicken.

Yahiko is happily talking about today's progress with Mr. Jiraiya.

The girl pursed her lips slightly, then placed the food on the table, gathered the hem of her clothes, and knelt down in front of the table.

He quietly listened to the conversation between several men, but his thoughts were wandering.

"So... how is he doing now?"

I haven't seen that former black-haired boy for a year, and when the girl recalled this name again, she felt a little strange.

This discovery made her a little hard to accept, and fear clearly flickered in the amber eyes.

Time will quietly dilute everything.

Including this thin longing?

(End of this chapter)

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