Aifei, she always wants to kill me

Chapter 21 Plum Appreciation Meets Him Returning from Court

Chapter 21 Plum Appreciation Meets Him Returning from Court

The imperial doctor took her pulse and nodded frequently.

"Princess, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"I feel weak, I don't feel anything else." Ye Qingcheng replied softly.

"I don't have a fever anymore." The imperial doctor nodded and said, "Rest more, don't worry about anything, you will be fine soon."

"I see, thank you!" Ye Qingcheng smiled slightly.

After the imperial doctor ordered Lin Lang to keep her warm, she withdrew.

"Princess, drink some hot porridge first, and then drink the medicine later."

Lin Lang came in with a bowl of hot porridge, took a stool, and sat by the bed to feed her.

Ye Qingcheng was also hungry and drank a little more.

Thinking of taking medicine, she ate slowly afterwards.

Lin Lang didn't rush, and fed her patiently.

"Princess, the prince has gone to court in the morning, and he will not be back until noon."

Ye Qingcheng looked away, pursed her lips, and she didn't ask him where he was.

Lin Lang looked at her, didn't dare to talk too much, and continued to feed her a bowl of porridge.

"Princess, do you still want to drink?"

"No need. I'm a little full." Ye Qingcheng's stomach was full and he felt more energetic.

Lin Lang turned around and washed some fruits for her, brought them in and put them on the low cabinet next to the bed.

"Princess, these fresh fruits were sent by the prince this morning. They are fresh. You can try them."

Ye Qingcheng's gaze fell on those fresh fruits, several of which were very precious.

Her heart moved, she closed her eyes, leaned against the head of the bed, in a daze.

Lin Lang tidied up quietly, not making any loud noises to disturb her.

Her body was weak, and she didn't want to move. When she looked outside, it was also gray.

On the contrary, the plate of fruit that Lin Lang just brought in was warmer.

She couldn't help but took one and ate it.

After eating a few fruits, Lin Lang came in with medicine.

"Princess, it's time to drink the medicine."

Smelling the strong smell of medicine, she frowned, and felt a bitterness in her sweet mouth.

"Put it down, I'll drink it later!"

Ye Qingcheng waved his hand in disgust, motioning for her to put it aside.

"But, princess, this medicine has to be drunk while it's hot to be effective, and it's not difficult to drink."

"The lord asked the servant to warm up the medicine and feed it to you after you have eaten."

Lin Lang persuaded.

Ye Qingcheng frowned, "I don't want to drink now."

Lin Lang was in a dilemma.

She looked at it, "It's fine if you don't tell him. If he blames you, just tell him that I don't want to drink."

"No, concubine, this servant is not afraid that the prince will scold you, but this servant is afraid that if you don't take the medicine, you will not recover from your illness. You should drink some!"

Lin Lang tried hard to persuade.

Seeing that she was worried, Ye Qingcheng reluctantly compromised, but spit it out after drinking it.

Lin Lang hurriedly tidied it up and fed it again, but Qing Cheng refused to drink.

She couldn't do anything else, she was very afraid of seeing Qingcheng, and could only hope that Gu Mohan would come back soon.

"Princess, eat more fruits, these are good for your health." Lin Lang pulled the quilt for her and said with a smile.

"En!" Ye Qingcheng looked at her, ate a few more fruits, and regurgitated the bitter taste in his mouth.

Lin Lang quickly cleaned up the dormitory, and then went to the hall outside to clean up, so as not to disturb her rest.

Ye Qingcheng couldn't sleep, so she found a book for Qingcheng to read to relieve her boredom.

There was plenty of carbon fire in the room, but she didn't feel cold.

Lin Lang saw the sun coming out, so she came in and opened the window to let in some air.

"Princess, the air outside is very good, do you want to go for a walk?"

Ye Qingcheng put down the book and glanced at the beautiful scenery outside the window. The sunshine was so bright that it washed away the previous gloom.

Looking back at Lin Lang's smiling and friendly eyes, she pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, go out and have a look."

Seeing that she agreed, Lin Lang was overjoyed and acted immediately.

Add clothes and warmth to her, and wrap Ye Qingcheng tightly.

Seeing that she wanted to add a cloak to herself, Ye Qingcheng smiled, "I'm not cold anymore, so I don't need to wear too much."

"Princess, it's cold outside, I'd better wear more clothes, and take them off after a while when it gets hot." Lin Lang still added an extra big blanket for her.

Fuzzy collar, very warm.

Lin Lang got her another charcoal hand stove.

Only then did he help her out.

As soon as Ye Qingcheng came out, the bleak wind outside made her face so cold, she held the hand stove, but she was still very warm.

Lin Lang thought carefully.

"Princess, the plum garden ahead is blooming, let's go for a walk over there!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingcheng smiled and nodded.

"You don't need to help me, I can go."

"Yes." Lin Lang stepped back a little.

Ye Qingcheng stopped and walked, admiring the scenery in the garden.

The air is clear and there is a scent of flowers, which is very pleasant.

She sat on the railing, sniffing the fragrance in the air intoxicatedly.

The chin is raised slightly, revealing Zizania's neck, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

Just after Gu Mohan came back, he saw this quiet beauty.

The scenery of the plum garden that was in bud was quilt, and the beauty like flowers and jade suddenly hit him in the bottom of his heart.

His eyes deepened, and he approached silently.

Lin Lang waited by Ye Qingcheng's side, and when she saw him, she hurriedly bowed to say hello.

Gu Mohan waved his hand to signal her to keep quiet.

Lin Lang saluted, and quickly retreated quietly.

Gu Mohan walked over and saw her facing the sun basking in the sun, her eyelashes trembling slightly like a small fan.

Like a naughty fairy.

He couldn't help approaching.

Ye Qingcheng smelled a different fragrance of ambergris, opened her eyes suddenly, saw his handsome face close at hand, and backed away in fright.


Forgetting that she was sitting on the edge of the corridor, there was no guardrail behind her, and suddenly she was suspended in the air, she exclaimed.

Gu Mohan wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

Ye Qingcheng threw herself on him, smelling the familiar breath on his body, her heart beat faster.

She struggled, but couldn't free his arm.

Gu Mohan hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head, smelling the fragrance of her body deeply.

"Why did you come out?"

Ye Qingcheng failed to push him away, and said in a muffled voice, "Come out and walk around."

Gu Mohan let go of her a little, and looked down at her. Her complexion was still not very good, but her spirit was not bad.

"It's good to come out and bask in the sun."

Gu Mohan's eyes were burning, and he said softly.

Ye Qingcheng dodged his eyes and looked away.

Gu Mohan was in a very good mood and sat beside her.

Ye Qingcheng squinted at him.

Her hand is being held by a man.

The hand warmer that was just scared fell to the ground and fell out.

"How long have you been out?"

She pursed her lips, not wanting to talk to him.

"Did you drink the medicine?"

Gu Mohan looked at her fixedly.

Ye Qingcheng's eyes flickered.

Gu Mohan frowned, and hinted at Lin Lang not far away.

Lin Lang hurried over.

He asked respectfully, "My lord?"

"Did the concubine take the medicine?" Gu Mohan had a serious face, so powerful that people were afraid of him unconsciously.

Lin Lang lowered her head in shock, and said cautiously, "The princess hasn't taken the medicine yet!"

The air condenses.

"How did you serve me?" Gu Mohan scolded angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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