Chapter 19 Games
"The rules of the sucking card game are very simple, that is, we pass the cards mouth to mouth, and pass them one by one along with the music. We must ensure that the cards do not fall. If two people are dropped, they will be punished."

After Qin Huan finished speaking, her friends echoed, "What kind of punishment."

"After the cards fall, you will either drink alcohol or accept a lottery penalty. If you draw anything, you have to complete the task according to the requirements on the note."

After listening to the rules and penalties, everyone seems to be very interested in this game.

Soon they formed a circle.

Sitting on the sofa, Chi Muwan pursed her thin lips. Thinking of playing games with Qin Huan, she felt like worshiping a god of bad luck.

I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive in my heart.

Qin Huan stood up, asked the waiter to clean up the table, and took out a card, "Is there anyone who can't afford it?"

Chi Muwan really wanted to ask if she could stop playing, but before she could open her mouth, Qin Huan blocked her words: "Don't look like you are on the battlefield, what are you afraid of when you have such a handsome husband in charge?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Bo Xichen: "Husband Wanwan, you can't afford to have fun, right?"

Hearing this, Bo Xichen cast a sideways glance at her, and the corners of his lips curled up in a faint arc, "I'm fine."

"Okay, the first round will start with me as the promoter." After Qin Huan finished speaking, he motioned for the waiter to help play the music.

She sucked the card with her mouth and handed it to Chi Muwan, and Chi Muwan handed it to Bo Xichen. After turning around, it was Chi Muwan's turn again.

After she sucked the card from Qin Huan, she turned around. Unexpectedly, Bo Xichen was too close to her, and her eyes fell into his dark and deep eyes.

In a daze for a moment, the card on his lips fell off.

And Bo Xichen happened to bring his lips closer together, without the cards, their lips were tightly pressed together.

Chi Muwan looked at the man who was close at hand, and even forgot to move his lips.

"Lose, lose, you will be punished."

The booing brought Chi Muwan back from her thoughts, and she turned around with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

She glanced sideways at Bao Xichen, and pursed her lips, "Honey, do we want to drink or draw lots?"

"You decide."

Qin Huan watched the two get along with each other, the corners of his lips curled up, and he leaned closer to her ear: "You didn't just drop your cards on purpose just now, and took the opportunity to eat your husband's tofu, right?"

Chi Muwan's face turned red instantly, but fortunately, the light in the box was relatively dim, so she couldn't see clearly.

"I didn't."

Qin Huan just smiled and said nothing, "Wan Wan, have you thought about any punishment?"

Chi Muwan looked at the wine on the table in front of him and the boxes drawn by lots, and thought that the punishment was for two people, and this was a good opportunity to increase their relationship with Bo Xichen.

Thinking of this, she said calmly, "Let's draw lots. My husband can't drink while driving."

"Drinking can be called a price, but drawing lots is equivalent to a big adventure."

Chi Muwan pretended to hesitate for a while, and looked sideways: "Husband, do you think drinking is better than drawing lots?"

"Draw lots, I will have a video conference when I go back tonight."

After deciding to draw lots, Chi Muwan reached into the box and took out a note.

After seeing the request above, his expression suddenly stopped.

This luck is also a bit better.

Qin Huan took the note away, read the content above, and said "tsk tsk" twice: "Tongue kiss for 2 minutes."

After the words fell, the others followed suit, "Tongue kiss tongue kiss..."

Chi Muwan turned around and looked at Bo Xichen: "Husband, I have a bad hand."

Without saying a word, Bo Xichen put his arms around her, and then blocked her lips.

2 minutes are over.

"Wow, it's still not shown." Someone protested.

Chi Muwan blushed, "Anyway, I've already kissed, and I didn't say kiss to you."

Qin Huan glanced at the two of them, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "Okay, okay, let's continue."

In the second round, Qin Huan's two male friends were caught, and they chose to drink three cups.

In the third round, when Chi Muwan passed the card to Bo Xichen, he didn't catch it, so it was their turn again.

Chi Muwan still drew lots, this time for the drawn questions, and the two asked each other a question.

Chi Muwan looked at Bo Xichen, and asked her the question she'd wanted to know for two lifetimes: "Husband, when did you fall in love with me?"

"This is the first time I've seen you." Bo Xichen replied.

Chi Muwan really wanted to ask when was the first time, but there was no chance to continue.

Next it was Bo Xichen's turn to ask Chi Muwan, "Honey, do you regret marrying me?"

"No regrets."

Qin Huan saw the expressions of the two of them in his eyes, and continued to speak: "Continue to continue."

In the next game, Chi Muwan and Bo Xichen cooperated very tacitly, and did not drop any more cards.

Time flickered to ten o'clock in the evening.

Chi Muwan thought of Bo Xichen saying that there would be a video conference at night, so she said to Qin Huan: "Huanhuan, you have finished watching him, my husband still has a video conference, let's go."

Qin Huan nodded, got up and said to other friends, "We're here today, let's meet again next time."

When the group left the box, Bo Xichen took the lead to check out.

"Your husband is really up to the mark. I can tell that he is sincere to you. If you say that you were forced to marry, I really don't believe it. The way he looks at you is tender and doting, which makes me sour."

After the corners of Chi Muwan's lips curled up, he didn't expect that Qin Huan could tell that he loved her when he saw Bo Xichen for the first time.

But she, the client, only discovered his love after dying once.

Chi Muwan looked up at the man who was paying the bill, and the corners of his lips curled up: "He treats me really well."

So good that he could even risk his life for her.

Qin Huan had a panoramic view of her expression: "Cherish it, that scumbag Gu Nianhua is not good enough for you, I like Bo Xichen."

Chi Muwan looked away, "I know."

After the two finished talking, Bo Xichen had already walked in front of them.

The three walked out of the twilight together.

Chi Muwan looked at Qin Huan: "Let's take you back."

"No, I called a substitute driver, and the person is already waiting there."

Chi Muwan looked sideways at Qin Huan's car, and there was indeed a woman wearing a driver's suit standing there.

"Then let's go first."

Bo Xichen opened the car door for Chi Muwan, and when he was about to get in the car, Qin Huan couldn't help but said, "Mr. Bo, treat Wanwan well."

Bo Xichen paused his pace slightly, nodded his head and said word by word: "I will." After speaking, he bent down and got into the car.

"Husband, what time does your evening meeting start, is it in time?"

After finishing the words, the driver in front suddenly said, "Madam, Mr. Bo has no meeting arranged tonight. If there is a meeting, I won't be unaware of it."

Chi Muwan looked at Bo Xichen in astonishment: "You didn't say that in Twilight, did you?"

Bo Xichen coldly glanced at Shen Ze who was driving in front, and said without blinking: "Oh, I remembered wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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