Rebirth and Warm Marriage: Bo Shao's Pampered Palm

Chapter 325 Deliberately Arranged Everything

Chapter 325 Everything Arranged Carefully

When Chi Muwan heard the woman's words, she didn't think much, walked over and asked where the coffee beans were stored.

When the two saw Chi Muwan appearing, they offered to help: "Madam President, you are pregnant, I will take care of these matters."

"Well, thank you."

I don't know what came to mind, and I subconsciously said: "I saw you gathered together just now, what happened?"

The woman who exclaimed before quickly replied: "Madam President, haven't you checked the Internet? There was a news just now that Manager Mu of the Mu Group committed suicide."

"Manager Mu?" Chi Muwan couldn't react for a while.

"It's the third girl from the Mu family."

When Chi Muwan heard the words, his face changed imperceptibly, "You saw it on the online news?"

"Well, this news is all over the Internet now."

Chi Muwan didn't even take the coffee for Bo Xichen, and went straight back to the office.

"Achen, something happened to Miss Mu San."

Bo Xichen looked up at her, "You already know?"

Chi Muwan nodded, and walked over: "I heard just now, what's going on?"

Bo Xichen took her hand and sat down on the sofa beside her: "After you received the message, I let Wen Qing pass by. The doors and windows of Miss Mu San's villa are closed, so you can't see what's going on inside the house."

"After Wen Qing reported, I asked him to watch over there. Just now, the police car passed by, saying that he had received a report."

When Chi Muwan heard this, he probably guessed something.

She glanced at the time on her phone, it was only 5 minutes before two o'clock.

Such a fast speed was announced by the media, and it was clear that someone was behind it.

If she really agreed to go to the appointment, maybe she just arrived at Miss Mu San's villa, so don't be caught on the spot.

Even if the murder charge cannot be immediately determined, it cannot be cleared of suspicion.

Who in the end arranged everything carefully.

Bo Xichen didn't miss the expression on Chi Muwan's face, knowing that with her intelligence, she probably guessed the problem.

"Why did Miss Mu San commit suicide?"

Bo Xichen frowned, "According to Wen Qing's reply, Miss Mu San committed suicide by drinking medicine."

"Do you think that's possible?"

"I don't know for now, but one thing is certain, someone is plotting against you."

Chi Muwan didn't understand, if it wasn't because Bo Xichen read the message.

It is really possible that she chose to go to the appointment because she was eager to know the truth about her mother's car accident.

The phone rang abruptly.

Chi Muwan looked at his phone and answered it.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Bo? Miss Mu San committed suicide. She sent you a message before she died. We found you based on the message. We need your cooperation."

Chi Muwan subconsciously glanced at Bo Xichen, and said slowly, "I'm in the Bo Group, so I'll go there now."

What was said behind the other end of the phone, Chi Muwan said "I know." and hung up the call.

"How?" Bo Xichen asked, frowning.

"Let me cooperate with the investigation."

"Well, don't worry, you have proof of your absence, I will handle this matter, and I will go there with you."

"it is good."

Chi Muwan went to Weibo and watched the video shot by the reporter.

At 45:[-] p.m., the police received a report, broke into the house and found Miss Mu San who had committed suicide.

After forensic identification, Miss Mu San committed suicide.

Chi Muwan looked at Mu San's body through the screen, and couldn't help frowning.

Bo Xichen accompanied Chi Muwan to the police station.

Just as she thought.

The police found her through that message. Because of the certificate of the Bo Group employees, Chi Muwan cooperated with the questioning for half an hour before leaving the police station.

And she also learned some inside information from the police station.

Miss Mu San's suicide is more like a man-made homicide.

Chi Muwan looked at the photo of Miss Mu San when she died. She was lying on the ground in a distorted posture, and there was a broken glass not far from her hand.

Her fingers were clenched tightly, as if she had been tortured in pain during her lifetime.

Chi Muwan stared at the photo for a while before looking away.

Back to the manor.

When Bo Xichen came back at night, she told him her thoughts.

"I always feel that Ms. Mu San should know something, otherwise the person behind the scenes wouldn't do it at this time, and even knew to use the news of my mother's car accident back then to design this situation."

"It's not impossible, maybe she's hinting something to you."

When Chi Muwan heard the words, he felt a chill all over his body.

Bo Xichen sent his parents abroad, but he didn't expect that someone would not forget to plot against her.

What is the secret that my mother has been unwilling to tell, and is it related to her true identity?
Seeing her small face frowning slightly, Bo Xichen reached out and hugged her into his arms: "Don't worry about this matter, leave the rest to me."

Chi Muwan shook her head: "No, I must personally reveal the truth about this matter. My mother has been hiding it for so many years, so it's time to say it."

After chatting with Bo Xichen for a long time, Chi Muwan decided to tell her about it.

The meaning between the words is to want to know her true identity.

After Chi's mother heard it, she didn't tell her immediately, but asked her to think about it.

Chi Muwan did not receive a call from Chi's mother, but received a call from a stranger.

"Young Madam Bo, our husband would like to ask you to meet."

Chi Muwan thought he heard it wrong, but the other party was indeed talking about Mrs. Bo.

She asked tentatively: "May I ask, who is your husband?"

"Your Mightiness."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Muwan's expression turned ugly.

She doesn't know what you are looking for her for?The look in the man's eyes at the engagement banquet came to mind.

Doubt, puzzled.

the next day.

Chi Muwan came to the place you agreed upon.

It is a very hidden coffee shop, and it is said that only leaders are accepted here.

As soon as Chi Muwan arrived at the coffee shop, he was taken to the box by the waiter.

The door of the box was pushed open, and your Excellency's eyes that were originally looking out of the window fell on the door.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and Chi Muwan couldn't help frowning.

Your Excellency's eyes are really too sharp.

"Your Excellency, may I ask why you made an appointment with me?"

The sudden voice brought you back from your thoughts, and the man got up and stood up: "Mrs. Bo, I'm taking the liberty to ask you out. I just think you look like a person. I want to know what's your relationship?"

Chi Muwan's face suddenly paused, and his brows couldn't help but frown even deeper.

Why does she have a bad feeling.

"Who is your Excellency talking about? Miss Mu's family?"

Your Excellency was not at all displeased with Chi Muwan's attitude, and nodded lightly, "Madam Bo, can you sit down first? I accidentally saw this photo in my book, and I'm sure it was My book, but I don't remember knowing her, at the engagement banquet that day, I just thought you were very similar, can Mrs. Bo clear up my doubts."

Hearing this, Chi Muwan frowned even deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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