Rebirth and Warm Marriage: Bo Shao's Pampered Palm

Chapter 331 Appointment with Your Excellency

Chapter 331 Appointment with Your Excellency
After hanging up the phone, Lu Yitian stared at the phone for a long time, and then sent a text message.

Not long after returning to the office, there was a knock on the door.


A man in black came in from the outside: "Your Excellency, here are the documents you want."

"Also, after you went to the hospital today, someone followed you to see the doctor."

Having said that, Lu Yitian, who is in a high position, still doesn't understand anything. He didn't have much expression on his face, and asked indifferently: "Have you found out who it is?"

"Sorry, that person has a strong anti-detection ability, so he lost it."

After hearing this, Lu Yitian's face changed slightly: "Is there someone following me before?"

"Yes, when you saw Mrs. Bo last time, someone followed him. Afterwards, that person followed Mrs. Bo to the Bo Group. Boss Bo finally found out that he was from an investigative agency, but someone appeared behind him and snatched her away. camera."

"How is Mrs. Bo?"

"It's okay, Mr. Bo is very well protected. I found out some things about Mrs. Bo's mother. Someone is obviously targeting their mother and daughter."

Lu Yitian took the information handed over by his subordinates, if Chi Muwan was here.

You must be able to see that these are all things that happened to her in Chi's house these years.

Lu Yitian flipped through the files of Chi's mother and Chi Muwan page by page. Looking at Chi's mother whose appearance had changed drastically in front of him, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes.

His appearance had changed, but those eyes were very familiar.

Chi Muwan's eyes were exactly the same as those of Chi's mother.

After about half an hour.

Chi Muwan read all the information about Chi Muwan's mother and daughter.

Looking up at the subordinates in front of her, "Mrs. Bo's mother really died in the fire?"

"Yes, there is a video of Mrs. Bo fainting from the shock that day, and my subordinates have also investigated deeply."

That means, so it is.

Lu Yitian closed the file, "Investigate the man in black who is following me, no matter what, we must find out who he is?"

"What happened to Chi Muwan's mother and daughter in H City is by no means a coincidence. Bo Xichen's identity can cause trouble for his woman, and the other party is obviously capable."

The men didn't speak, and suddenly the phone rang.

"Your Excellency, the person who followed you more than 20 years ago has news, do you want to meet in person?"

Lu Yitian didn't answer immediately, his face was a little hesitant.

After a while.

"You go there yourself, it's best to bring someone back to see me, be careful, don't let anyone find out."

"Yes, Your Excellency."


weekend after a week.

Chi Muwan was sleeping soundly in Bo Xichen's arms, and heard the phone ringing in a daze.

She frowned and turned over.

Bo Xichen patted her on the back lightly, got up and left the bedroom with his mobile phone in hand.

When he returned to the bedroom again, Bo Xichen's hand shook her body twice.

Chi Muwan opened his eyes and looked at him in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Your Excellency invited us to meet."

Chi Muwan's drowsiness immediately woke up. She sat up and asked in bewilderment, "Why so suddenly?"

"I don't know. His tone seemed a little anxious. He said he wanted you to go there."

Chi Muwan knew that Bo Xichen had shown the ring to Your Excellency, and during this time, she didn't bother to ask about that person.

Unexpectedly, the other party would suddenly ask them to meet.

Bo Xichen didn't wait for Chi Muwan's answer, thinking that he cared a little, stepped forward and hugged her in his arms. "If you don't want to go, don't go."

"No, I'm going, anyway, my mother and I want to know the answer."

Arrive at your hotel in Kyoto.

The entire hotel was extremely quiet today, and it could be seen that it had been cleared.

When Chi Muwan and Bo Xichen walked into the hotel, they saw Lu Yitian sitting at the dining table.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

A strange look flashed across Lu Yitian's face, and he quickly stood up, "Thank you for agreeing to the appointment."

Bo Xichen's cold gaze fell on his face without any emotion, making it hard to figure out what he was thinking.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what's the matter with you asking my husband and wife?"

Lu Yitian motioned them to sit down first.

Chi Muwan and Bo Xichen didn't refuse, and sat down in front of him.

Then he pushed a document in front of Chi Muwan, "Look at it."

Chi Muwan subconsciously glanced at Bo Xichen, with tangled eyes.

After a while.

She reached out to take the document and opened it. When she saw the words of the paternity test report, her expression changed slightly.

Chi Muwan raised her eyes to look at Lu Yitian, who was staring at her at the moment.

There was uneasiness in his eyes.

Chi Muwan frowned, looked back at the document, and turned to the last page.

The almost 100% figure below made her stunned.

I got the answer from my mother before, but it was not as good as what I saw with my own eyes.

Chi Muwan restrained her strong expression, and looked at Lu Yitian indifferently and distantly: "Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

"You are my daughter."

Chi Muwan frowned fiercely, "So what? Do you remember my mother?"

Lu Yitian's face changed slightly, he shook his head, "In my memory, your mother's voice and smile have never appeared before, I just feel that those eyes seem familiar."

"The last time I met Xichen, I don't know why I did this appraisal, I just wanted to know."

"So? You want me to recognize someone who doesn't even remember my mother as my father? Isn't it a little ridiculous? Everyone in the Chi family is very kind to me. My father has loved me so much for so many years, even if he knows that I am not My own daughter."

"You, my biological biological father, where are you? I don't even remember how I let my mother conceive me. If I recognize you, it would be an insult to my mother."

Chi Muwan's words were a bit harsh, but Lu Yitian's face didn't show any anger.

It was just those eyes, staring at her scorchingly.

"Mu Wan, that's why I want to see you today. Although I don't know why I don't remember your mother, it's true that I failed her. I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Muwan directly interrupted: "What do you want? Want to make up for us? Sorry, with my current status, I don't need it at all."

"These years, I have lived without worrying about food and clothing. If it weren't for someone who has been targeting me, maybe I would never know that I am not the daughter of the Chi family in this life."

In her previous life, she didn't even know who was plotting against her behind her back until she died.

"I'm sorry, so I asked you out today just to know some truth."

Chi Muwan's complexion didn't improve at all, "What's the truth?"

"I sent someone to find the subordinate who followed me back then. After my man passed by, that man was silenced. I must know what happened back then."

Hearing this, Bo Xichen frowned slightly, "Your Excellency, what exactly do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything? I just want to know what happened that year. I believe something must have happened with your mother."

After finishing the words, Lu Yitian got up and walked towards the glass door not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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