Rebirth and Warm Marriage: Bo Shao's Pampered Palm

Chapter 356 Today is an Opportunity

Chapter 356 Today is an Opportunity
The voice fell.

All eyes fell on the woman who spoke.

Mu Qin's face was full of tears, she just stood in the crowd, looking at Lu Yitian sadly and angrily.

"You actually managed to do this for that dead woman, disregarding your own future, disregarding my face, you are really infatuated."

Lu Yitian listened to her words expressionlessly, with a sneer on his lips.

"I've wanted to do this since I recovered my memory, but I need to find evidence of what you did, and today is the opportunity."

His voice was devoid of emotion, and he spoke as if speaking to a stranger.

"Hehe, so why is your uncle's birthday coming up, let me accompany you to attend, you are all using it to lie to me, you are really good, what about our son?"

Mu Qin wiped away tears indiscriminately, and asked with a smile.

The moment Lu Yu was mentioned, guilt flashed across Lu Yitian's eyes, but it was only fleeting.

He looked at him fixedly: "Since I dared to take this step, I never thought about turning back. If he is a sensible person, I believe he will treat this matter rationally after knowing what you have done." Otherwise, he is not worthy to be my Lu Yitian's son."

Those words shocked the guests.

Especially Chi Muwan and the Mu family.

Only they knew that Mu Suqiu hadn't really passed away.

If the people behind them hadn't been targeting their mother and daughter, Chi Muwan wouldn't have resorted to the trick of feigning death.

But now seeing her biological father announce the truth to the public even if he doesn't want his current status, she couldn't bear it for a moment.

He is worthy of her mother's deep love.

She decided to forgive him.

Feeling the change in Chi Muwan's mood, Bo Xichen held her little hand tightly with his big hand.

"Some things are not up to us."

Chi Muwan turned around and smiled at him: "I know."

Mu Qin's crazy voice came from next to my ear: "Lu Yitian, you are too deceitful, Chi Muwan was born by Mu Suqiu, you can do this, Xiaoyu is also your son."

"It doesn't matter if you ruin it, why can you be so unfeeling towards him?"

Lu Yitian's face darkened instantly.

"If you hadn't repeatedly shot and hurt Susu and Wanwan, I would have acted like this? Ever since you met Wanwan once in City H, you began to suspect her, Susu, who was disfigured in a car accident."

"You use the Chi family's adopted daughter to deal with Wanwan. If she hadn't married Bo Xichen, she would have had several lives for you to frame."

"Muqin, what have you done yourself, do you need me to tell you one by one? Knowing Wanwan's identity, you still want to kill Susu. The car accident of more than 20 years has disfigured her, and she has been hidden. You plan to go back to the imperial capital, but you still can’t tolerate it. After more than 20 years, you cause a car accident again and leave her unconscious. When she is unconscious, you still send people to the hospital to assassinate her. When she wakes up, you create a fire in the hotel.”

"You used Mu Qun, An Shiyan, Xu Kexin, that pretending uncle of the Bo family... Originally, you just wanted to kill Wan Wan, because Bo Xichen was protecting her with your life, and you didn't even want to let Bo Xichen go, causing Bo Xichen Almost died in Yunshan, do you need me to come one by one? As you wish, Susu was really killed by you for the third time."

"Over the years, I've been thinking why you always like to light up the lights when you sleep at night. You must be afraid."

Lu Yitian's words made everyone's faces change drastically.

No one would have thought that the dignified and elegant Mrs. Your Excellency would be a crazy woman who would do so many unconscionable things.

The Mu family fell overnight because of the departure of the eldest lady of the Mu family. I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

Those people subconsciously distanced themselves from Muqin, disliked it, and disdain it so that it should not be too obvious.

Tears blurred her vision, but she never gave up looking away from someone.

"So, you said that you went abroad for three days. It turns out that you are investigating me. You have a heart."

"Susu thought you were a good sister, but you stabbed her in the back, Mu Qin, you are a femme fatale." In the crowd, Mrs. Lin stepped forward and slapped her hard.

"I've been investigating the truth of the car accident that year, and I thought, why didn't there be any evidence left, so you took care of it, it's a waste of her being so kind to you."

Mu Qin was a little dazed by the slap, covered her face and laughed mockingly, her eyes swept over everyone.

"So what, standing with Mu Suqiu, people in the entire upper class can only see her excellence, even if Lu Yitian loses his memory, those who see her for the first time will still be attracted to her.

I am not willing to be friends with such an excellent person,

What's wrong with me pursuing what I love, I just made a mistake in falling in love with someone I shouldn't love, I tried to keep this love, wrong step, wrong step, but I don't regret it, at least I stayed with him I have been with her for more than 20 years, and I still won her. "

The madness in Mu Qin's words made everyone frowned.

Mr. Mu swung his cane and hit her on the back.

"Muqin, my daughter is not sorry for you. You are jealous of my daughter because you closed Lu Yitian, and caused our father and daughter to be separated for more than 20 years. We finally met each other, but you took her life again. Because of you, I, the Mu family Almost destroyed."

Not far away, Mr. Mu didn't expect his daughter to do so many crazy things. He was stunned and watched Mr. Mu hit his daughter.

He said slowly: "Xiaoqin, your sister's death..."

He didn't have the courage to ask, and an old face looked away.

Mu Qin stood where she was, with a smile on her lips, "I killed her, she was useless, she failed to frame Chi Muwan, instead she put herself in, but wanted to threaten me, how could I give someone a chance."

When Mr. Mu heard the words, his steps wobbled a few times, "How could you do these things for a man who doesn't love you? What have you learned from your father's education and training?"

Mu Qin still stared at Lu Yitian obsessively.

"Since I was rescued by him when I was 16, I have fallen in love with him. I have been waiting for him to come back in the capital. I waited until he was seriously injured and came back, only to learn that he would even die for Mu Suqiu."

"I knew he had lost his memory and didn't remember Mu Suqiu, so I thought, maybe this is the chance God gave me in mercy?"

"I bribed the servant of the Lu family. I learned from her that in order to prevent him from being vulnerable, Mr. Lu secretly hypnotized him and made him forget Mu Suqiu. I know that my chance has come."

"I asked my brother to meet Mu Suqiu deliberately, and made him fall in love with her. As expected, my brother did not disappoint me. He really asked my father to go to Mu's house to propose marriage."

"Mu Suqiu refused to give up on him, so I had no choice but to cooperate with Mr. Lu and let Mu Suqiu see Lu Yitian with other girls with his own eyes. As long as she gave up, I never thought of doing anything to her."

"But she..."

(End of this chapter)

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