Chapter 80 Unspeakable Panic
After Chi Muwan drove away from the hospital, he suddenly felt indescribably flustered.

A bad premonition arises spontaneously.

She parked the car on the side of the road and called Bo Xichen.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Chi Muwan turned to call Shen Ze again.

As soon as she was connected, she spoke first: "Ma'am, Boss Bo is inspecting the land in the west of the city and is busy now. Let him call you back later, okay?"

After Chi Muwan heard it, he panicked even more, "Is Bo Xichen busy now, can you let him answer the phone?"

While waiting, she heard Shen Ze calling Bo Xichen.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the phone: "Ah... Boss..."

Immediately afterwards the call was disconnected.

Chi Muwan's face turned pale as paper, and turned the car towards the west of the city.

Called all the way, but no one answered.

Chi Muwan stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

After half an hour.

When the car arrived in the west of the city, Chi Muwan saw a lot of people surrounding him not far ahead. Chi Muwan hurriedly got out of the car, forgetting to close the car door, and ran towards the crowd.

"Bo Xichen, you will be fine."

Because she was running too fast, Chi Muwan accidentally fell to the ground.

But she ignored the injury on her knee and continued to rush towards the crowd.

She pushed through the crowd and saw the scene of the tragic car accident, her steps faltered.

Tears flowed down unconsciously.

The distance from the scene of the car accident was getting closer and closer, but she never had the courage to take a step forward.

The busy figures of the ambulance personnel became blurred in her eyes.

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed the passing medical staff: "How many people were injured? Is Bo Xichen inside?"

"I don't know, go find it yourself."

Chi Muwan stood where she was, unable to take any steps.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the crime scene.

The strong smell of blood made her stomach feel nauseous, "Bo Xichen, where are you?"

"Ma'am, Mr. Bo..."

Seeing the blood on Shen Ze's body, Chi Muwan took two steps forward: "Tezhu Shen, where's Bo Xichen? Where are the others? Why are you the only one here?"

While talking, Chi Muwan had already cried into tears.

Shen Ze looked at the crying Chi Muwan with a dazed expression, "Ma'am, Boss Bo is fine."

Chi Muwan thought he had tinnitus, was stunned for a few seconds, and repeated: "What did you just say?"

"I said Mr. Bo is fine, he's over there."

Chi Muwan followed Shen Ze's fingers and looked at Bo Xichen who was busy with the medical staff. Seeing him helping the wounded, looking serious, he suddenly laughed.

She quickened her pace and ran to Bo Xichen's side.

She didn't dare to go forward, and stood quietly looking at him.

It wasn't until Bo Xichen helped the wounded to bandage the wound that he noticed Chi Muwan who was beside him with tears all over his face.

He stood up and was about to take a step when Chi Muwan suddenly rushed into his arms.

Bo Xichen frowned imperceptibly, as if he had reacted, a deep and magnetic voice rang above his head: "I'm sorry for making you worry, because the incident happened suddenly, and I don't have time to answer the phone."

Chi Muwan hugged him tightly: "I thought something happened to you. I saw the scene, but I didn't dare to go in. I was afraid to see you injured, and I was afraid that you would leave me."

"Little fool, am I okay? I'm covered in blood, let's go back first."

Chi Muwan shook his head, but refused to let go of him.

Shen Ze hurried over with a bottle of mineral water, let Chi Muwan hold him, and washed his hands as soon as possible.

Bo Xichen reached out and hugged her, "It's been dealt with, let's go back first."

On the car back to Muyuan.

Chi Muwan has been holding Bo Xichen tightly all the time: "Aren't you going to investigate today? What happened?"

"When we were investigating, suddenly a passenger car rushed down from the side of the road because the driver suddenly fell ill."

Chi Muwan sat up straight: "I was on the phone with Shen Ze and asked you to answer the phone. I didn't wait for you to answer the phone, but I heard someone shouting Boss inside, which scared me."

Bo Xichen stretched out his arms to hug her tightly again: "It is precisely because you want me to answer the phone that I will bring other people to avoid this disaster. You are really my lucky star."

Chi Muwan was stunned, "So I saved you?"

"Yes, saved us all."

"Why did the phone suddenly disconnect?"

"Because of excitement, Shen Ze stepped forward to pull me and lost his phone."

Well, so it is.

But what happened today really scared her, and made her understand her feelings for Bo Xichen.

The car arrived at Muyuan.

When Chi Muwan got out of the car, he felt pain from his knee.

She took a breath and took a rest in the back seat of the car for a while.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

Chi Muwan shook her head, opened her long skirt, and found the wound on her knee.

Because there was no immediate treatment, the blood on the wound had coagulated.

When Bo Xichen opened the car door, he saw the exposed knee, and frowned fiercely. Without saying a word, he bent down and carried her off the car, and went back to the villa.

Chi Muwan was placed on the sofa in the living room, looking at Bo Xichen's busy figure.

She suddenly felt a taste of happiness.

Bo Xichen squatted at her feet, looked at her tenderly and dotingly, and said slowly: "It might hurt."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and kissed her lips, and her knees were accompanied by a piercing pain.

Chi Muwan frowned in pain, almost crying.

After a kiss.

Chi Muwan's expression changed due to the pain: "Bo Xichen, you bastard, you lied to me again."

"It will hurt even more if I don't lie to you. Do you feel better now?" Bo Xichen's voice was gentle and doting, more distressed.

"You are obviously using an excuse to take advantage of me."

Bo Xichen lowered his head and took care of her knee injury seriously, "It's because of you."

Meaning, he won't take advantage of others.

Chi Muwan looked at the wound he had cleaned, and the original pain seemed to disappear suddenly.

She stared fixedly at the man in front of her, and her thoughts drifted away for a while.

Bo Xichen bandaged the wound, looked up and saw her in a daze, got up and kissed her again.

The kiss ends.

Chi Muwan said angrily, "Isn't the wound bandaged? Why are you taking advantage of me again?"

next second.

"If there is an advantage, don't take advantage of it."

Chi Muwan suddenly turned over and threw Bo Xichen onto the sofa.

"If you don't take advantage of it, you'd be a fool."

After finishing speaking, she held onto Bo Xichen's lips, and when the two were kissing vigorously, Chi Muwan suddenly got up and stood up: "My uncle has taken it back." After speaking, he limped towards the second floor.

Just two steps away, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Chi Muwan looked at the strange phone and hung up directly, but the other party obviously didn't want to give up and continued to call.

After hanging up three times in a row, the phone message came: "Miss Chi..."

(End of this chapter)

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