Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 109 So She Was A Monster

Chapter 109 So She Was A Monster
"No, I said tomorrow is tomorrow. If you still recognize me as a friend, come back with me at nine o'clock tonight. I will wait for you outside your place of residence. If you don't come, we will be strangers from now on!"

In her eyes, the gentle Chen Dudu has never talked to her so forcefully. It seems that he is really angry.

Although she was reluctant to come here, she was even more reluctant to part with her friend Chen Dudu.

After a while, Yi Yi finally let go and compromised, "Okay, just tonight."

What they didn't notice was that their conversation was overheard by a woman behind them.

After all three of them left the coffee shop, Liang Xiaoru raised her head with a smug smile.

Yi Yi, Yi Yi, so you are not human!New species, how valuable is this, I'm afraid she won't be able to spend it all in her lifetime!
Now, the money she borrowed on the online platform is just a drop in the bucket, not only that, she can also earn countless money by relying on this in the future, and she will never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of her life!
Liang Xiaoru quickly called Xia Bingqing.

"Miss Xia, I have something very important to tell you."

Xia Bingqing on the phone was depressed because of what happened the day before, and hearing her voice was even more disgusting.

"Liang Xiaoru, you bitch, you dare to call me, I tell you, I won't give you money, don't even think about it! Not only will I not give you money, but I want you to give the 5 yuan Spit it out!"

"Miss Xia..." Liang Xiaoru taunted patiently, "Your fiancé will be snatched away by a monster, and you still have the heart to ask me for the 5 yuan."

"What monster, what are you talking about again, I won't believe you anymore!" Xia Bingqing was furious and wanted to hang up the phone angrily.

"I heard Yi Yi say that she is not human."

Hearing this, Xia Bingqing's hand that was about to hang up the phone froze in mid-air. "Do you think I will believe this kind of nonsense you made up?!"

"Believe it or not. In short, this is an excellent opportunity to completely destroy Yiyi! Not only Yiyi, but also her two friends, three new species have appeared in Philadelphia, Miss Xia, is that enough?" Brilliant."


"I have a recording here. If you really don't believe me, I'll send you the recording later. Miss Xia, I advise you to seriously consider it. As long as we reveal the real face of that bumpkin, do you think Master Mu will still be attacked by such a monster?" Confused?"

"..." Xia Bingqing was a little moved.

"Then I'll trust you one last time. If you dare to play tricks on me, I won't let you go! But I'm afraid it's not convincing to rely on just one recording. Tell me, how do you let my brother Xun know her true identity?"

"It's very simple, we are like this... like this..."


It's night, and the lights are on.

Before the dinner at Mu's family started, Yi Yi was helping Mama Li in the kitchen as usual.

"Mother Li, I have one thing to ask of you."

Li Ma, who was choosing vegetables, raised her head and said with a smile, "Look at what you said, what's the matter, talk."

"Mother Li, can you help me make some pancakes, uh, make some more." She wanted to take them to the jungle to eat.

"Hey, what did I think? No problem, Mama Li, I'll make pancakes for you every day until you throw up!"

"This should be the last time I eat pancakes." Thinking of his leaving soon, Yi Yiwu became sad.

(End of this chapter)

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