Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 125 If She Can Be Used For Research...

Chapter 125 If She Can Be Used For Research...

"Enough!" Mu Nanxun let out a low growl, which scared Xia Bingqing back a few steps.

"I originally wanted you to propose the dissolution of the engagement yourself, so as to save face for you. After all, you saved my life in the jungle. But I have changed my mind now. You don't need to worry about the dissolution of the engagement. I will Personally propose to the families of both parties to dissolve the engagement!"

What?He wants to personally propose to dissolve the engagement?Just for this bitch?
"No, I don't want to break the engagement. Brother Xun, I'm your fiancee, you have to believe me, you can't treat me like this!"

Xia Bingqing stretched out his hand to stop him, one of his cheeks was swollen, and with the scars from the previous fight with Liang Xiaoru, he looked more and more embarrassed.But the expression on her face seemed unwilling to give in at all.

Mu Nanxun worriedly glanced at Yi Yi who was in his arms with his eyes closed tightly, and he really didn't have the mood to tangle with Xia Bingqing.

This woman used to pretend to be considerate and a lady in front of him, but now she finally can't pretend anymore, can she?

"Xiao Fang!"

As soon as the words were finished, Xiao Fang rushed over with a "whoosh", understood, and dragged Xia Bingqing aside like a rag to make way for Mu Nanxun.

"The rest is up to you."

"Boss, don't worry! This subordinate will definitely take Miss Yiyi's friend out safely."


Mu Nanxun nodded slightly, and strode out with Yida in his arms. When passing by Liang Xiaoru's side, he glanced at her with cold eyes, and then lightly landed in front of her.

It was this cold look that made Liang Xiaoru shiver suddenly.For some reason, she felt like she was being watched by the god of death.In Mu Nanxun's eyes, she was like an ant, and she would be smashed to pieces without him doing it himself.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have provoked the woman in his arms.However, she was really not reconciled.

Philadelphia, Central Hospital.

"How is her condition?" Mu Nanxun looked at Yi Yi who was still unconscious.

The doctor in a white coat adjusted his glasses and said respectfully, "Mr. Mu, don't worry too much. This lady just inhaled a small amount of smoke and was shocked by electric shock, but the injury is not serious. We have already taken measures and believed It won't be long before I wake up."

"Well, let's go down first."


The doctor walked a few steps outside the ward, stopped, thought for a while and turned back, hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else, is it her injury..." Mu Nanxun's heart rose again.

The doctor waved his hands again and again, "No, no, Mr. Mu misunderstood. There is... There is a situation, I should tell you after thinking about it."


"I don't know Mr. Mu is clear about this lady's physical condition. In fact, her injury is not serious. It might be troublesome if she were replaced by an ordinary person. But she... well, it seems that her body can quickly adjust itself, and it is not difficult to recover. Much faster than normal."

"Is there anything wrong with this situation?" In fact, after she was accidentally kicked by Xiao Fang in the clubhouse, he found that her body recovered faster than ordinary people.

The doctor smiled and said, "There is nothing wrong. Of course, this is a good thing, but it is relatively rare. In fact, if we can take this young lady to do some research and see what is in her body that can make her recover so quickly, maybe It's a thing for humans..."

(End of this chapter)

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