Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 127 My Face Was Burnt When I was a Child

Chapter 127 My Face Was Burnt When I was a Child
His movements were quick, and he took off the mask on Chen Dudu's face in an instant!However, under the mask, there is still a thin mask, still only revealing a pair of eyes.

"Mr. Mu, what are you doing?!"

Chen Dudu took a step back defensively, and at the same time took the mask from Mu Nanxun's hand, and put it on again.

Mu Nanxun didn't expect him to come out like this again, and was a little disappointed.

"I'm a little curious, why do you always cover your face. Is it true that your identities are unusual, as they said, huh?"

His eyes swept over Chen Dudu and Yu'er respectively.Yu'er immediately blushed and lowered her head in a heartbeat, her hands were twitching her fingers uneasily.

"Mr. Mu, in fact, we..."

"Mr. Mu is thinking too much. We are just ordinary people with unknown backgrounds." Chen Dudu interrupted Yu'er, "Because I grew up in the jungle, I don't know many novelty things. Mr. Mu won't let it go Because of this, I think we have some special status.”

"If not..." Mu Nanxun's sharp eagle eyes stared straight at his face, almost staring at him with nowhere to hide. "Why are you covering your face? Otherwise, you can take off the mask and let me see."

If the face under the mask is the same as in his memory, it proves that his memory of that night is correct, Yi Yi and her two friends are really not from this world.

Hearing this, Chen Dudu's eyes flickered, "To be honest, I accidentally experienced a fire when I was young, and my whole face was burned. I have been living with low self-esteem for so many years, and I dare not let My ugly face has been seen again. Mr. Mu, do you really want to see it?"

Mu Nanxun's eyes scanned Chen Dudu's body from top to bottom, and then fixed on those slender hands.

"Of course, I happen to know a very famous plastic surgeon. Since you are Yiyi's friend, I can introduce him to you. Your face may still be saved."


Yu'er opened her mouth with a guilty conscience.

Chen Dudu raised his hand to stop, "It's okay, since Mr. Mu is so interested, it's okay to let him take a look."

With that said, Chen Dudu took the initiative to take off his mask and exposed it to Mu Nanxun.As long as he raised his hand, he could see Chen Dudu's true face.

Yu'er swallowed nervously.The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became tense.

Mu Nanxun put his hand on Chen Dudu's mask, his pupils shrank slightly, but stopped his hand at the moment when he was about to take off the mask.

At this moment, a young nurse was standing at the door of the ward.

"Families of patients with 16 beds, please pay the fee."

"Okay." Mu Nanxun walked out with his head held high and his chest held high. The 'patient's family member' was called out, and his heart was full of joy, with a smile written on his face.

Xiao Fang followed immediately.

"Boss, did that friend of Miss Yi Yi's face really get burned?" Xiao Fang asked in a low voice after walking out of the ward some distance away.

"What do you think?" Mu Nanxun asked back.

"This, my subordinates can't think of it." Xiao Fang scratched his head, his limbs are well developed, his mind is simple, and he is only suitable for simple and rough movements.He can't do something related to brain power.

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun glanced at him non-stop, and analyzed, "I've been with me for so long, and I still haven't learned anything. Let me ask you, have you ever seen a person with burns only on the face, and other places? Is there nothing wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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