Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 145 I Can't Find Any Fresh Materials

Chapter 145 I Can't Find Any Fresh Materials
"They are all liars. I saw that woman grow a fox-like tail and ears with my own eyes! She is not human at all, she is a monster!"

Hearing this, everyone became excited again.Looks like things are turning around.

All eyes are on the speaker.This is a man in his thirties who looks ruffian and sloppy.

Yi blinked, the corners of his mouth raised.

Well, you can be considered open.Don't know I've been waiting for you for a long time?
"So, you are the 'participant' who posted the so-called 'details' online?"

"Yes, it's me!"

"Your name……?"

"I don't change my name when I go, but I don't change my surname when I sit, Zhang San!" The man puffed out his chest with a smirk on his face.

Yi Yi pursed her lips and smiled, but Zhang San was a little puzzled by this smile.What is she laughing at, doesn't she know that she is about to be unlucky?

"Ahem, Zhang San, because you worked so hard to fabricate such a long piece of lies on the Internet before, I really admire your lying skills, so I did a little investigation on you. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect this investigation to be fruitful. Quite rich."

"You... you monster, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Why are you in a hurry, am I explaining to you?"

As soon as Yi Yi finished speaking, the projector behind her lit up, and the screen showed Zhang San's personal file and his previous criminal record at the police station. In short, everything was available, and the details were so detailed that I couldn't say it for three days and three nights. Finish.

Of course, this is again Mu Nanxun's credit.

"On March 2017, 3, Zhang San was sent to the detention center for blatantly molesting a decent woman on the bus, and was detained for 5 days; Public Security Bureau; two months later, Zhang San was reported for selling fake medicines on the North Street Flyover, and entered the Public Security Bureau again; also, on September 5 of the same year, Zhang San was arrested for trying to lure underage girls into selling or prostitution. Arrested by the public security I need to read on?"

"You... You are invading my privacy! Besides, this is my business, and it cannot change the fact that you are not human."

Zhang San was exposed, and became angry from embarrassment.

Yi folded her arms around her chest and stared directly at him with a pair of cold eyes.

"A person with a bad reputation spreads rumors on the Internet, and even a reasonable person will not believe your nonsense."

"Whoever said I made a rumor, I just saw it!"

Zhang San yelled angrily.At this moment, two people in police uniforms walked into the hall. When Zhang Sanyi saw the police, he immediately ran out of the crowd in a panic.

"Zhang San, stop and don't run!"

Two policemen chased after him.

And this one?This is what happened and the police uncle came to the door.

Yi glanced at Mu Nanxun, only to see him squinting his eyes and closing his eyes to rest his mind, calm and composed, as if everything was according to his plan.

The reporters present all sighed in disappointment, thinking that things had turned around and they would catch some earth-shattering reversal, but unexpectedly it was just a farce.

From the looks of it, there is no fresh material to be dug up.But fortunately, with Mu Nanxun's gossip in hand, tomorrow's headlines can blow up the Internet as well.

Just as the reporters were about to pick up the equipment and head back home, a figure in the corner suddenly stood up again.

 Thank you for the little cutie "Dr. Tang" for your reward. Today I specially add a new chapter for the little cutie.Well, everyone is very happy and satisfied to read the book silently and support the author. Of course, it is even better to occasionally vote for a recommendation ticket or something.

(End of this chapter)

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