Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 167 How about this seat for you?

Chapter 167 How about this seat for you?
"Yes, Mr. Mu, Mr. Ji is right. We have cooperated with Xia's enterprise in many aspects, and the two families are family friends. Moreover, the daughter of the Xia family is beautiful and knowledgeable. There is no other candidate. For the sake of the Mu family, you should take back your life." The person who said this was Yingyuan, another shareholder of the company, whose status in the Mu family was much worse than Ji Nian, and unexpectedly interfered with his marriage up.

Mu Nanxun sneered, "Who else agrees with them?"

As soon as these words came out, the people below spoke one after another.

"Mr. Mu, I also think Mr. Ji is right. Your announcement of the dissolution of the engagement with the daughter of the Xia family is very detrimental to our Mu's business. Other business partners will think that we are not honest and keep our promises. Over time, they will not want to cooperate with us. cooperate."

"Yes, I also collected some people's comments on this matter on the Internet. You can take a look. A considerable number of people think that it is absurd for Mr. Mu to unilaterally announce the dissolution of the engagement. This not only makes people feel bad about Mr. Mu Doubts about his personality will implicate us, Mrs. Mu."

"There are also people who say that Mr. Mu broke off the engagement because he has a mistress and has a mistress. This, this, this... how ugly it is to spread."

"I think, before it's too late, Mr. Mu should hold another press conference, saying that the announcement of the dissolution of the engagement was due to a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, everything will continue as usual."

As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded in agreement.

Ji Nian didn't even care about Mu Nanxun's opinion and made a decision directly.

"I think it's feasible to do it this way. Keep it informed and hold a press conference immediately to implement this matter. The best thing is to hold the engagement ceremony of the two together, lest outsiders make irresponsible remarks!"

With that said, everyone got up one after another, ready to do what Ji Nian ordered.


Mu Nanxun's voice was not angry but arrogant, and his figure still maintained his original posture.The sharp eyes shot out a dangerous light, like an invincible king, looking down on everyone.

Everyone was taken aback, nervously stared at by him, and sat down in their seats one after another.

"I said the meeting is over?"

"..." No, didn't Ji Lao say that the meeting ended.

In the past, Mu Nanxun was the one who fought with the old man in Ji Nian, so he had quite a bit of respect for him.Occasionally, Ji Nian slapped him a word or two at the meeting, or even announced his decision without authorization, and he more or less turned a blind eye to bear it.

However, this does not mean that he will continue to endure.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

When the originally lazy people noticed Mu Nanxun's strange emotions, they all sat upright, not daring to show their air.

"Old Ji."

As the saying goes, to catch a thief, first catch the king.Mu Nanxun has long wanted to rectify this group of employees who only take money and don't work.It is better to hit the sun than choose the day, and today is the day.

"Since you like to make decisions for me so much, like to give orders for me, and these people under my command listen to you so much, why don't you take my position. What do you think of my Mu's company being replaced by Ji's company? "

Everyone could tell that he was being sarcastic.

Ji Nian's old face changed, and he replied, "Mr. Mu is thinking too much, I don't mean to occupy your position. As for giving orders for you, I think I was like that when Mu Hua hadn't quit the Mu family. I did, and I didn’t see him talking about me.”

(End of this chapter)

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