Chapter 173
"It's like this, Miss Yiyi knows that I almost always stay by your side, inseparable. She is worried that sometimes she can't find you, so she has to go against her own wishes and add me very reluctantly, just thinking about being with you Ask me about you when you find you."

Well, that's right, she added me on WeChat because of you, the boss.Otherwise, even if my subordinates beg her, she won't add me.

This answer can be said to be very standard and perfect.The boss should not be unhappy.

Xiao Fang is glad that he reacted quickly, otherwise, he might not even know how he died.

Although Mu Nanxun didn't say a word, it could be seen that the anger in his heart had subsided.

Xiao Fang chuckled, and added dog-leggedly, "Boss, this subordinate can tell that Miss Yiyi really attaches great importance to you. This subordinate feels that she probably loves you so much that she cannot extricate herself from it."

Mu Nanxun's words were obviously very useful, and he nodded "Yes", got into the car, closed the door, and the corners of his mouth could no longer be controlled.

Xiao Fang heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that he will not be able to be shy in Miss Yiyi's circle of friends in the future.

The boss is so tall and big, who knows that he has such a small mind, adding WeChat is like giving him a cuckold.In the future, Miss Yiyi will be able to bear it.

Xiao Fang started the car and made a "blow kiss" gesture to Jerry outside the car.Jerry scolded "crazy" with a laugh, and then his ears turned red uncontrollably.


"Oh, by the way, boss, the old man called me and said that no one answered your call. Would you like to call back and ask what's the matter?"

The old man called him?

It was only then that Mu Nanxun remembered that before the meeting, he turned the phone on silent, so he probably didn't hear it.

Opening the screen of the phone, in the few minutes since he came out of the conference room to the downstairs of the company, there were already five missed calls from the old man.

"ignore him."

Can Mu Nanxun not know the purpose of the old man's call? Isn't that old man Ji Nian complaining to the old man, saying that he is arrogant, dictatorial or something.Oh, there should be another one, and that is his "crime" for announcing the termination of the engagement with Xia Bingqing.

As soon as the voice fell, the old man's call came as expected.

Mu Nanxun, who didn't want to answer the phone, knew the old man's temper well. If he didn't answer the call, the old man would explode his phone.

After thinking about it, he pressed the answer button helplessly, and then subconsciously took the phone away from him.

"Brat, it took you so long to answer my phone!"

Even though Mu Nanxun was well prepared, he was still shocked by the loud voice of the old man's anger.

"what's up?"

"What's the matter, people have handed over your 'crime' to me, what else can you say!"

It really is Ji Nian's old stuff.

"Tell me about you brat, I have finally retired and traveled around the world to relax, and you have caused troubles for me all day long, so that I can't enjoy myself!"

"If you're making this call because of Ji Nian, then I have nothing to say to you. It's not a day or two since he's been relying on the old to sell the old, and I don't think it's been a day or two to clean him up. This time he hit the gun himself Literally, no one forced him."

"Then you really plan to fire him." The voice of the old man over there couldn't tell whether it was anger or joy.

 Thank you to the beautiful, lovely, kind and generous little angel "Dr. Tang" for your reward. Today is another day full of energy~ Well, I will add more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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