Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 175 You Are Not Invisible

Chapter 175 You Are Not Invisible

Xia's father sighed, and said bitterly, "Don't mention it. At today's shareholders meeting, those old guys protested to Mu Nanxun and threatened to resign. Who knew that Mu Nanxun would not be soft and hard, so he scolded them He didn't say a word, and said that he would not keep anyone who wanted to resign. That's what those old people said, how dare they resign casually. Where can they find such a good company after resigning. So, today's meeting Come on, our people didn't take advantage of half of it, you, you say this..."

"How could this be? Why is Brother Xun's attitude towards this matter so tough? Is he determined to break off the engagement with me?" It must be because of that damned little bitch!
Xia Bingqing's face exuded a sinister light.Yiyi, I must drive you away from brother Xun, definitely!
"Daughter, don't worry about it so much. If it doesn't work, you can come back. Dad will find a way for you." Even though Mu Nanxun, a wealthy son-in-law who can't be found even with a lantern, he is not willing to let go.But if the matter is indeed irreparable, he can only think of another way, and take the risk.

Of course, what he didn't want to let go was the entire Mu's enterprise and everything in the Mu family.

"I won't go back, Dad, I must get Brother Xun. I will not marry anyone except Brother Xun. If I can't marry Brother Xun, I would rather become a monk."

After a pause, Father Xia's voice sounded again, "Okay then, let me think about it again, you should be more careful."

Immediately, the phone was hung up.Xia Bingqing didn't know that her father had other ideas in his mind at this moment.

Xia Bingqing put away her mobile phone, pretended to be blind-eyed, and shouted to the door, "Mai, come in!"

Mai Mai is a servant she brought over from Xia's family, who usually takes care of her food and daily life.

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open.It wasn't Mai that walked in, but Yi Yi.

How could it be her?
How long had she been standing outside the door, what had she heard?
A trace of surprise and panic flashed across Xia Bingqing's face, but he quickly pretended that nothing had happened, stretched out his hand, and said in a calm tone, "Mai, what are you doing in a daze, help me down quickly. Don't be idle all day, If you have to help, do something, so as not to cause trouble to Brother Xun and the others."

Yiyi stood where he was, without any movement for a long time.Xia Bingqing was even more unsure whether she had heard the conversation between himself and his father, so he paused for a moment before continuing,

"What's wrong with you, Mai, I'm talking to you. Come and help me downstairs."

"Miss Xia, I'm Yi Yi."

As soon as Yi opened her mouth, she walked up to her and looked at her.

This stare made Xia Bingqing very uncomfortable and felt uncomfortable all over.She had a hunch that the little bitch might have overheard her conversation with her father.But what about the Maiden, hasn't she been guarding the door all the time?
"Oh, yes, is it?" Xia Bingqing's tone was a little unsteady, the muscles on his face twitched, and he asked forcefully, "Why are you here, where is Mai Mai, where did she go?"

"I don't know what I ate, and I feel sick to my stomach. I went to the bathroom. I happened to see me, so let me stand at the door and listen to your orders."

Yi half-closed her eyes, and there was a vague smile at the corner of her mouth, which made Xia Bingqing tremble with fear.

"Then, then help me downstairs."

"Why do you want me to help? It's not like you can't see it."

Hearing this, Xia Bingqing's fingertips trembled.She actually heard it all!

(End of this chapter)

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