Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 181 Cut off one of his fingers

Chapter 181 Cut off one of his fingers

With the sound of "bang", Xu Sizhu's whole body trembled, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his cheeks and onto the medical record book.Immediately afterwards, there was a second drop, a third drop, a fourth drop...

After a pause, Mu Nanxun sneered, "Mr. Mu, made a mistake. Miss Xia, she is blind, really. I didn't falsify, and so did the medical records, it's true...I'm a Doctors, yes, have professional ethics, how could they do such an insult to medical ethics."

"is it?"

Mu Nanxun asked lightly, and winked at Xiao Fang.The latter nodded, took out a prepared document, threw it in front of Xu Sizhu, and said, "In August 2015, when you were at the Second People's Hospital of YC City, you were discovered by the hospital for tampering with the patient's medical records, and then you were expelled. You only arrived at this hospital in December of the same year. Right, Dr. Xu Jun."

This "Xu Jun" made Xu Sizhu tremble all over.

This matter was not investigated publicly in the hospital at the time, and the result of his dismissal was only written as a resignation.Except for a few high-level employees in the courtyard, no one knew about it.What's more, he even changed his name, and his whole appearance became quite different from before.

He thought that if the environment was changed, no one would mention that matter again, let alone know about it.But I didn't expect...

Of course he knew the seriousness of this matter. If this matter was exposed, not only would he not be able to stay in this hospital, but he might not be hired by any hospital.His life was ruined.

Seeing that his face turned pale with fright, Xiao Fang estimated that he would be recruited soon, and continued to threaten, "You have such a criminal record before, and it is not impossible to do such a thing now. Think about it, if you help Now that Xia Bingqing's falsification of medical records is made public, can you still get along?"

"I... I, I don't know... I don't know what you are talking about. I really didn't forge medical records... I, I am not Xu Jun."

Xu Sizhu was still arguing.

Hearing this, the violent Xiao Fang immediately pulled out a dagger and pressed it against Xu Sizhu's neck.

"Believe it or not, I killed you with one knife!"

Xu Sizhu's neck felt cold, and he was so hoarse that he couldn't speak.This bandit, could it be that he really dared to kill someone?

"Xiao Fang..." Mu Nanxun said lightly, and glanced at Xu Sizhu, "Since I can find out what you did in the previous hospital, I can naturally find out about your name change. As for this medical record..."

Mu Nanxun reached out to take the medical record in his hand, his eyes suddenly became cold, "As for this medical record, if there is any problem, I will let the experts check it...Of course, if you really don't want to say it, I don't mind using violent means .”

"I don't believe really dare to kill people."


Not to mention anything else, if eyes can kill, Xu Sizhu is already riddled with holes.

"Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill you directly? I will chop off your fingers and toes one by one, and then cut off your ears and nose..."

Hearing this, Xu Sizhu felt nauseated in his heart, his face turned pale, and he kept shaking his head, "No, you won' dare it is a society ruled by law, how could anyone dare to do this in broad daylight."

"So, you still refuse to tell the truth. Xiao Fang, cut off one of his fingers."

(End of this chapter)

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