Chapter 186
"Brother Xun—" Xia Bingqing called out, tears streaming down her face, and she looked aggrieved and angry. "Brother Xun, I know that my blindness is your burden. I shouldn't have troubled you. Although my blindness is related to being injured in the jungle, that's what I want, and I don't need anything Repayment. I just thought that when my eyes are healed, I will leave silently and never bother you again. But I didn't expect that even so, Yi Yi would not tolerate me."

Yi Yi: "..." It really is.Directing and acting in such a play by myself, and having to say such a long line pitifully, just to make others think that Yi Yi deliberately scalded her with hot water, isn't it tiring?
"I'm not that stupid. The temperature of this water won't scald you. If you really can't tolerate you, I'll use boiling water."

"Brother Xun, did you hear that? Yiyi, she actually said she was going to scald me with boiling water, why is she so vicious!"

Yi Yi: "..." Did she mean that?Does Xia Bingqing have a problem with his ears or his brain?

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun frowned, but Yi Yi still refused to explain for herself.

"Mother Li, take Miss Xia down first to treat the burn."

Mu Nanxun had already spoken, and Mama Li dragged Xia Bingqing away.

"Yi Yi..." Mu Nanxun sullenly.

"Stop talking, Mu Nanxun, I know you don't believe me, so it's useless for me to say anything." Yi Yi didn't know where the anger came from, with a straight face, very uncomfortable.

Mu Nanxun is also short-tempered and has a fiery temper, especially when facing Yi Yi's unreasonable troubles, he feels even more aggrieved.Before he said anything, she felt that he didn't believe her, and he was wronged!
He is the heir of the Mu family enterprise. In the past nearly 30 years, no one has dared to talk to him like this.Even those old men on the board of directors would not call him by his name and accuse him so directly.After all, he is proud, even if Yi Yi is very different in his heart, the pride in his bones does not allow him to humble himself in front of so many servants.


Maomao jumped out from nowhere, grinning at Mu Nanxun, gearing up.

Mu Nanxun: Who the hell is your master!Believe it or not, I scolded you!
Maomao: This king is protected by Yi Yi, so I forgive you for not daring to do anything to me.

Mu Nanxun: "..."

A lion and a fox, neither of them took him seriously, embarrassing him in front of so many servants.His majestic boss doesn't want to lose face!

After a pause, Mu Nanxun ordered Xiao Fang with a gloomy face, "Take Mark down for me and lock him in the backyard. Don't let him out without my permission!"

"Mu Nanxun, you..." Yi Yi originally wanted to question Mu Nanxun, but soon realized that this is Mu Nanxun's territory, and Maomao also belongs to Mu Nanxun, so how could she have the right to question him.

Mu Nanxun glanced at him, then looked at Xiao Fang, "Hurry up."

"Boss, I..." I was scared.


Well, although Maomao, oh no, Mark is scary, but even more terrifying is his boss, Mu Nanxun.

After Xiao Fang and a few men in black risked their lives to drive Maomao into the backyard and lock him up, Mama Li also came out with Xia Bingqing who had treated the wound.

Yi Yi and Mu Nanxun were still in a stalemate, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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