Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 189 Do you want the property of the Mu family?

Chapter 189 Do you want the property of the Mu family?

"Why didn't you stop Yi Yi and not let her go." Mu Nanxun glanced at Xiao Fang lightly.

Xiao Fang nodded again and again, isn't that right, didn't the boss intentionally make Miss Yi Yi feel wronged?Besides, Miss Yiyi didn't have any other friends besides Chen Dudu, so if she lost her temper with the boss, she would go to Chen Dudu.The boss is jealous, can you bear this?

Mu Nanxun glared at him, too lazy to answer the question. "Idiot. Have you found out the origin of that group of people? Is there any news?"

Xiao Fang pursed his lips in grievance, he was so stupid, he was just a little bit worse than the boss.But when talking about the group of people hiding outside the villa, Xiao Fang was still a little excited, "I found out the boss, they are all using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, maybe someone hired them and wanted your life. But There is no movement yet, and it will probably wait until dark. Boss, do you want to take them all together, and the subordinates will go now!"

With that said, Xiao Fang rolled up his sleeves and was about to do it.

"Stop!" Mu Nanxun felt dizzy. He had stayed by his side for so long, and he didn't learn any composure. He knew how to fight.

"Why panic, just because those few people want my life, do you really think my life is thinner than paper?"

"Boss, it's not that the subordinates think so, it's that the group of blind people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Mu Nanxun: "They don't know the heights of the sky and the earth is thick, and you don't know the rules. If you don't find the mastermind behind the scenes, this wave of killers will fall, and there will be another wave. You just stay here, hide in the dark, and wait until dark Let that group of people come in when the time comes, and we can deal with them in our own way.”

"Okay boss, my subordinates will remember." Xiao Fang received the order, turned around and made arrangements.Mu Nanxun went all the way into the study and waited.

On the other side, Xia Bingqingyuan also wanted to follow Mu Nanxun, but Mama Li stopped her.

"Miss Xia, since your eyes are not blind, don't stay at Mu's house, so as not to be misunderstood by others."

"You, a servant who cooks, have no right to talk to Miss Ben. This is my brother Xun's home. Whether I stay here or not has nothing to do with you!"

Li Ma rolled her eyes, "Miss Xia, this is where our young master belongs. Didn't you hear what the young master said? He asked you to leave. If you leave by yourself, you still have some dignity. If you are framed by people in black If you want to leave, I'm afraid it won't sound good to say it."


Xia Bingqing was so angry that a servant who cooks dared to show her face!
Wait, when Brother Xun changes his mind, the first thing she will do is to drive this reckless old thing out of Mu's house!
"Let's go, but Miss Ben still has something in the room, I have to get the things first before leaving."

Xia Bingqing returned to the guest room depressed, at this moment, the phone rang, and it was Xia's father who called her.

"Daughter, what's the situation with you now?"

Hearing this, Xia Bingqing said depressedly, "Brother Xun already knows that I'm pretending to be blind, he won't believe me anymore, and wants to drive me away. Dad, why do you think I'm so unlucky, such a good opportunity, I was taken away by that little boy?" The bitch screwed up! Brother Xun seems to be really angry this time, Dad, do you think brother Xun can forgive me and change his mind?"

"It doesn't matter, if you know it, you know it. Dad asks you, do you want the property of the Mu family?" Father Xia on the phone suddenly lowered his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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