Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 198 Let's fight

Chapter 198 Let's fight
"What are you doing? If something is coming at me, don't take it easy on Yi."

Chen Dudu rushed to Yiyi with a stride, and stretched out his hands to protect her.

Yi Yi was injured just now, so he couldn't stand it.

However, it was this action that suddenly angered Mu Nanxun.The anger in his chest burst into flames!

Mu Nanxun cast a cold look over, like a sharp knife cutting Chen Dudu's face.

As long as he sees this man, he can't help but think of what they did in the room just now, and all the blood in his body is pooled in his heart, unable to vent.


"I tell you to go!"

Mu Nanxun clenched his fist and hit Chen Dudu on the nose.The other party took a few steps back from his beating, and at the same time, a stream of bright red blood gushed out, instantly staining the cloth used to cover his face red.

"Stop!" Yi Yi yelled at the top of his voice, and stepped in front of Mu Nanxun, raised his head, and looked at him without fear.Did this guy come all the way to fight? !
"Mu Nanxun, why do you beat someone!"

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun's dark eyes darkened, his pupils shrank slightly, and the sides of his nose dilated slightly due to the great anger.Anyone who sees him now in a rage like a wild animal will cower in horror.Xia Bingqing didn't dare to show his air, and quietly stood aside, waiting to watch the show.

Brother Xun, strangle her to death!
Mu Nanxun's chest rose and fell violently, and Yi Yi's sharp jaw was strangled with his broad palm, and every word, like the king of the night, lingered with a black and terrifying aura. "Just—I—will—will."

Mu Nanxun could indeed say such unreasonable words.

Yi Yi's chin was hurt by his grip, and he stared at him with a pair of round eyes.

"Master Mu, if you want to be rude, get angry, or hit someone, there are always people who want to vent your anger. If you are in your own home, you can find Xiao Fang, the man in black, or Uncle Zhang. As long as they are willing, you can find anyone." OK. But here, no."

"Oh?" Mu Nanxun's voice was bone-chillingly cold. With a little force, he lifted her chin, squinted his eyes slightly, and rubbed his fingertips on her skin. This was the calm before the storm. "What if I insist?"

Before Yi Yi could answer, Chen Dudu stood still and punched Mu Nanxun with all his strength!

"You bastard made Yiyi feel wronged. I didn't settle accounts with you, but you came to me instead. This is my home, not your territory!"

Mu Nanxun tilted his head and stretched out his thumb to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. His fierce eyes were like a leopard's, as if he was going to wring Chen Dudu's head off in the next moment.

The next second, Mu Nanxun let go of Yi Yi, and rushed towards Chen Dudu again with red eyes.The two of you punched each other, and they never gave in.

"Xun... Brother Xun, stop beating, stop beating!"

Xia Bingqing stood aside, anxious.

In the not-so-spacious room, two big men were so angry that they came and went, almost tearing down the roof.

Yi Yi was anxious and angry, knowing that this fight would not be able to be persuaded, so he had to stand quietly aside, waiting for the two of them to finish the fight.

I don't know how long it took, until both of them were out of breath from exhaustion and collapsed on the ground, the vicious fight finally stopped.

"Dudu, you go out first."

Yi Yi said softly.

Her injured shoulder just touched the corner of the porch, and it hurts a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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