Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 201 Surprise or surprise

Chapter 201 Surprise or surprise

Her thoughts were gradually overwhelmed by this breath and became chaotic.

Unknowingly, he was walking in the middle of the road, but he didn't notice that the indicator light had switched to red, and a big red luxury car was speeding towards him.

When she realized that the car was getting closer and closer to her, her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move half a step.

Suddenly, the whole body was pulled by a powerful force, and fell into a strange embrace.

"call out--"

The limousine passed by like an arrow leaving the string without stopping for a moment.

Inside the car, the eyes of the man wearing the black mask were narrowed, and there was no expression on his face, but the eyes were so cold that there was no warmth at all, just one glance made one feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"If you can't handle such a little thing, what's the use of keeping you."

The driver shuddered, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, not daring to speak back.

Just now he clearly saw the beautiful girl standing in a daze in the middle of the road, and was about to honk to remind her.But this one stopped him, and let him slam on the gas pedal and hit him directly!
Although he couldn't bear it, he couldn't afford to offend this one.I had no choice but to be cruel and slammed on the accelerator.Just as she was about to hit her, a man fortunately appeared and pulled her aside.

It's risky, it's really risky!
The man in the luxury car closed his eyes and sighed calmly.

Philadelphia, never thought I would come back in my lifetime.

The Mu family, there is something between us, and it's time to settle it.

Thoughts of Yi Yi who survived the catastrophe slowly drifted back.

Raising his eyes, a handsome face appeared in front of him.

The man in front of him curled his lips slightly, revealing his white teeth.A face is clean without any blemishes.The eyes are not big, but shining brightly. On the surface, it looks calm, but in fact, the waves are turbulent, with no end in sight.

Such a face, even compared with Mu Nanxun, is not inferior.

"Little confused, don't you look at the road when you walk?"

A man's voice sounded faintly, teasing and doting.The beautiful eyes are unblinking, and there is a smile.

Yiyi lowered his head, took two steps back, and said narrowly, "Thank you."

"It is my unshirkable responsibility to escort the little beauty, say 'thank you' to see me, go home early, little confused, it is not safe to be outside alone."

"I know, I have a name, Yi Yi. I'm not Xiao Mimi."

Yiyi pursed her mouth unconvinced, she was so confused!
"I know, Little Misty. We'll see each other again."

The man chuckled, his smile was like a warm spring breeze.She wanted to refute, but saw that the man had already turned around and walked away slowly.

Another weirdo.

Yi Yi withdrew his gaze, collected himself, and walked carefully across the crosswalk.


Mu Jiafeng fell in love with the water's edge, and Mu Nanxun settled down for Xia Bingqing. He stood in the yard and looked at the man who was getting closer and closer, his face livid.

"Master Xiao, do you miss me? I came to see you as soon as I got off the plane. Are you surprised or surprised~"

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun tightly closed his thin lips, and his icy eyes almost froze the man in front of him into lumps of ice.

"Hey, hey, the way you welcome me is too different. It's freezing cold. No wonder you're still a bachelor after so many years."

The man laughed and crossed his legs, and sat on the bench in the yard, completely ignoring Mu Nanxun's murderous gaze.

Old bachelor?Hmph, not soon!

(End of this chapter)

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