Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 205 Cut Your Tongue and Drinking

Chapter 205 Cut Your Tongue and Drinking
The reason why Yi Yi appeared here was because he had been entangled for a long time.It took her a long time to figure it out. Mu Nanxun must have misunderstood something when he talked to her like that.After thinking about it, he probably misunderstood the matter between her and Chen Dudu.Therefore, she mustered up the courage to ask Mu Nanxun to explain it. After all, there have been too many misunderstandings between them during this period of time, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

But who knew, when he got here, he saw Mu Nanxun and Xia Bingqing embracing each other.

This bastard, Mu Nanxun, is indeed a scum!
Yi Yi didn't know where her resentment and anger came from, but she just couldn't suppress it, and didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Yi Yi, stop for me!"

Not only did Mu Nanxun's voice not stop her, but it made her walk a lot faster, and soon disappeared from their sight.

Damn it!Why is she here, now she is going to misunderstand him and Xia Bingqing again!

"take a good rest!"

Before the words fell, Mu Nanxun wanted to move away from Xia Bingqing, who was sticking to him like chewing gum, and chased after him. Who knew that Xia Bingqing hugged him even harder, and at the same time leaned his whole body tightly against him, as if angry. Gossamer Road,
"Brother Xun, don't leave me, I'm afraid. The wound hurts too, I'm afraid I won't heal."


The way he hugged him so tightly, there was no weakness at all.


Ouyang on the side couldn't help laughing out loud. After receiving Mu Nanxun's stare, he held back the urge to laugh three times embarrassingly.

"Why don't I go after Little Misty for you?"

"you try!"

I don't know what this guy's mouth will say. I'm afraid the misunderstanding will be deeper by then!


Ouyang spread his hands helplessly, watching the show calmly.He didn't expect that Mu Nanxun would sometimes be outraged by women. If it wasn't for fear of being killed by Mu Nanxun's gaze, he would have laughed a few times gleefully.

Mu Nanxun was dragged by Xia Bingqing, unable to get away, and worried that Yi Yi would run amok by himself and be in danger like before.He could only pull out one hand and ordered Xiao Fang outside the villa, "Xiao Fang, go yourself and follow Yi Yi to protect her safety. If she hurts a hair, I'll take you as a questioner!"


This woman is really worrying.

"Don't worry, boss, the subordinates are determined to complete the task."

"Also, check who owns the car that almost hit Yi Yi just now."

That car suddenly accelerated not far from Yiyi, it couldn't be a coincidence!
Hearing this, Ouyang put away his posture of watching gossip, and became dignified.

Yes, he also felt that this incident was not an accident.It just so happened that Mu Nanxun thought of going with him.That little confusion has offended a big shot!However, it is also possible that Mu Nanxun provoked others, and Xiao Mimi took it on his behalf.After all, Mu Nanxun is so arrogant and arrogant, and he has made countless enemies on weekdays.

"I don't think it's safe for this little mischievous to follow you. It's better to follow me. I'm easy to talk to and make friends. It's not easy to form enemies. At least little mischievous will not be in danger of life if you follow me. You say..."

"Besides, I cut off your tongue for drinking."

Ouyang: "..." As for what, it's just a joke.With such a bad temper, it's strange not to make enemies.I owe it to you to be friends with you, but I am really wronged to death.

(End of this chapter)

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