Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 211 Don't be brave, your saliva is dripping down.

Chapter 211 Don't be brave, your saliva is dripping down.

But today, Yi Yiming was also very hungry, with her chest sticking to her back, but looking at the dazzling array of delicacies on the street, she had no appetite at all.


The phone vibrated suddenly, it was Chen Dudu calling.Dudu must have seen her not go back for so long and was worried about her.

Yi Yi was really not in the mood to answer the phone, thought about it, hung up, then clicked on WeChat, and sent a voice message to Chen Dudu. "Dudu, I'm strolling outside, it's fine, don't worry."

As soon as the message was sent, Chen Dudu came back with several messages.

There are voice messages and text messages.Yi clicked on one or two of them, asking her where she was and saying she was coming to find her.She didn't have the mood to reply, so she directly canceled WeChat, simply turned off her phone, and kicked it into her pocket.

Thinking back, this mobile phone was given to her by Mu Nanxun back then. It was the same model as his mobile phone, except that hers was white and Mu Nanxun's was black.Calling, sending text messages, including sending WeChat messages, circle of friends... All of these were taught by Mu Nanxun.Thinking of the ignorant and reckless self who just came to human society, he can use cars as human mounts, and gasoline as something to eat.At that time, I didn't know how many jokes I made. In their eyes, she must be a freak.

Later, she finally learned little by little how human beings live, and she can use mobile phones with ease. Now she has no problem living in the human world, but she also knows more and more that this world still does not belong to her. People, let alone belong to her.

Mu Nanxun and Xia Bingqing are so close, it's not her turn to be unhappy.Even if Mu Nanxun doesn't like Xia Bingqing anymore, she won't marry Xia Bingqing, and it won't be her turn as a fox.

Walking aimlessly on the street for a while, the sky had already darkened, the smell of food on the street became more and more intense, and it gradually became lively. Yi Yi, who used to be the most excited at this time, had no desire to enjoy the beautiful scenery at this moment, nor could he No interest in appreciating food.

I don't know how long he walked back and forth on the street, Yi Yi sat down on a step by the side of the street, staring at the bustling street in front of him in a daze.

A pancake was suddenly stretched out in front of him, it was delicious, and it was Yi Yi's favorite pancake from the first smell.

But Yiyi is not in the mood to eat at all right now. He glanced at the pancakes and shook his head.She doesn't eat, doesn't want to eat anything.

The visitor refused to withdraw his hand, and still held the pancake in front of her.

Yiyi swallowed, why is this person so annoying, she said no, and even seduced her with pancakes, breaking her will!
Is her will so easily broken? !You underestimated her!
But this pancake... really looks delicious.It's so fragrant, the crispy inside looks like it was fried by myself, the eggs look like the best eggs used, and the lettuce looks like the best and freshest.

This pancake... It's fresher than her favorite food, and it smells even better.Moreover, this weight is twice as much as that sold outside, it seems to be tailor-made for her.

It's just that she, Yi Yi, is not someone who is easily swayed, and she won't eat if she says she doesn't want to eat.

Yi Yi shook his head resolutely, turning his head to one side.

At this time, the person holding the pancake said, "Don't be brave, your saliva is falling." there any?
 To thank the baby "Dr. Tang" and "Yingran Xindong" for their rewards, I will add an update later, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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