Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 217 Maybe I like it so much!

Chapter 217 Maybe I like it so much!

The slender fingers danced wantonly, and with the dancing of the fingertips, a pleasant voice flowed out.The handsome side face is softened by the starlight, and the focused look makes people unable to take their eyes off.The so-called prince on a white horse should be like this.

It turned out that after such a short time, Mu Nanxun changed into a suit and dressed so formally.

Yi Yi's feet seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he walked towards Mu Nanxun without knowing it, and stood quietly beside him.

Maomao also came over, lying lazily at Yiyi's feet.The music is soft, it makes me want to sleep.

Yi Yi hadn't heard this song before, but thought it sounded inexplicably good.Time seemed to stop at this moment, and everything around him disappeared, leaving only her and him.

Yi Yiduo wished that he could just stand quietly beside him, look at his pretty face, listen to the nice music, and never stop.

At the end of the song, Yi Yi was still immersed in the wonderful music, unable to recover.

At some point, Mu Nanxun stood in front of Yi Yi, looking at her and smiling.His scorching gaze made Yi's ears and cheeks flushed, and her two little hands were so cramped that she didn't know where to put them.

"Mu Nanxun, what are you doing looking at me like that? There's nothing on my face."

"Do you like it?" Mu Nanxun asked without thinking, and refused to let go of any expression on Yi Yi's face.He couldn't get enough of such a cute Yi Yi.

"Ah?" Yi Yiyi didn't realize it for a while, in fact, she didn't hear what Mu Nanxun said clearly at all.It's all because Mu Nanxun looked so good tonight, and her reaction seemed to be affected and slowed down.

Mu Nanxun held his temper, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and asked word by word, "I-ask-do you-like-like-?"

It turned out to be asking her if she liked tonight's arrangement.

Yi Yi glanced around the fairytale-like world, Mao Mao who was lazily asleep under her feet, and the handsome man in front of her who was looking at her and smiling, nodded, "I like it, I like it very much. I know you will definitely ask me again How much I like it, I can only say that I like it very, very much, probably... there are so many." As he said, Yi Yi stretched his arms as far as he could to the sides.

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun raised his eyebrows, obviously not satisfied with the answer to this question, "That's all?"

"No, no, no," Yi Yi replied honestly, "It's more than that, it's much more than that, hehe, in short, I like it very much, very, very much."

"What about me, huh?" Mu Nanxun's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked at her eagerly, expecting her to give him an answer.

Yiyi lowered her head, fearing that she might make a mistake.

One of the man's hands lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him, "Don't run away, tell me, do you like me?"

If it was before, Yiyi would definitely nod without hesitation.She likes Mu Nanxun, his eyes, his nose, his thin lips, and even his every movement and expression.Moreover, she became more and more aware that this kind of liking was different from liking Chen Dudu and Yu'er.She likes Chen Dudu and Yu'er, and hopes to introduce them to everyone she knows and make everyone like them.But... She likes Mu Nanxun, but she selfishly doesn't want others to be like her, and doesn't want to share it with anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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