Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 219 Why Are You Still A Little Excited?

Chapter 219 Why Are You Still A Little Excited?

Yi Yi frowned and shook his head, "I don't know them, but they were hiding in the dark and sneaking around when I left Fengqing Water Bank. I fought with them, and then they used that little I was injured by the black weapon. That thing is really powerful, and it can hurt me so badly from such a distance."

Mu Nanxun: "..." It really was them!Thinking about it, I was really scared, Yi Yi didn't know it was a gun, if the bullet missed and hit Yi Yi's heart or head, he couldn't even imagine the consequences.

"So, what you said at Chen Dudu's house today, um, the things you said... said you were bleeding or something, because you were injured?"

"Otherwise, what else could it be? I was injured, and Chen Dudu treated the wound for me. He is the best healer in our area, just like your doctor here. But who knows why you are crazy, run over here Lose your temper with me and open my wounds."

Mu Nanxun didn't know until now that he misunderstood Yi Yi, and the misunderstanding was so deep!Damn it, Yiyi suffered such a serious injury, he didn't protect her immediately, and even misunderstood her doing that with another man.He even vented his anger on her because of this, and said those ugly things.Yiyi must have hated him at that time!

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was too narrow-minded and misunderstood some things. I promise, it won't happen in the future." Mu Nanxun wished he could go back to that time and slap himself hard.

"Forget it, I, Yi, and I have traveled the rivers and lakes for decades, and I am not a narrow-minded fox." Yi Yi laughed.Although she didn't know what exactly Mu Nanxun misunderstood, but since he had already admitted his mistake, she didn't bother with him anymore.

"Don't leave my sight in the future." Mu Nanxun said domineeringly.Yi Yi is too innocent, she doesn't know how dangerous this world is, full of crises.This time, she was lucky enough to save her life.If possible, he would like to ball Yiyi into a ball and kick her into his pocket, so as to protect her all the time.

Hearing this, Yi Yi's cheeks were slightly red, such a domineering Mu Nanxun was simply irresistible to her.

A gust of wind blew by, and Yi Yi shivered.It is autumn now, the temperature is just right during the day, but it is still a bit cold at night.Especially... She still has bare shoulders now.

In fact, when we were in the jungle before, the spirit foxes seldom wore human clothes.They have always used plants and other simple things to cover important parts of the body, and they don't think there is any problem with exposing shoulders or other positions, let alone shy.After coming to the human world, she didn't know when, she became more and more concerned about Mu Nanxun's eyes.Now that Mu Nanxun was staring at her, she felt that the skin he was staring at seemed to be on fire, and it was scaldingly hot.

Yi Yi hurriedly pulled up the clothes that had fallen to his shoulders, and before he could button them up, Mu Nanxun held him down.Graciously grasped her little hand, his voice was hoarse, "Don't move, let me watch for a while."

Watch for a while... watch for a while... for a while... for a while...

If it was any other man who said such blunt (rogue) words to her, she would have already punched her.But Mu Nanxun's face really made it impossible for her to do anything.Moreover, she was a little excited about what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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