Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 230 Actually Everything Is Clear

Chapter 230 Actually Everything Is Clear
"Haha." The old man laughed and said, "Your father has been struggling for so many years, you think it is easy to deceive. Your statement is too nonsense. The Su family in Yancheng is also a well-known family, but everyone knows that their husband and wife No children, all alone, out of nowhere a daughter."

Mu Nanxun frowned, and said in a deep voice,

"You've been out for too long, and some things may not be clear. The Su family does have a daughter, but they are low-key and only want their daughter to live a simple and ordinary life. So as soon as Yi was born, the Su family took care of her. Sent to the countryside, she seldom contacted her. Yiyi grew up in the countryside and lived an ordinary life, even she didn’t know her true identity, let alone the outside world.”

"..." The old man was silent for a while, didn't speak, just stared at Mu Nanxun.

Mu Nanxun's deep eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips, worried that the old man would not believe his words, so he continued,
"If you don't believe it, you can check the news that caused a sensation in Philadelphia some time ago. The Su family went from Yancheng to Philadelphia to prove to the media that Yiyi is their own daughter. Of course, if you don't even believe the media reports, you can do it. Ask the Su family yourself."

The old man nodded silently, raised his hand to look left and right, and said casually,

"I know the news you mentioned that caused a stir in Philadelphia. At the beginning, all the media questioned that Yi Yi you mentioned was a monster, and even wanted to capture her for research. This incident is not only in Philadelphia, but also in the whole country. If the Su family hadn't held the press conference to clarify, how could it have calmed down so quickly."

"As long as you know."

"But I still have a question, you can answer it for me."

The old man sat on the sofa calmly, leaned back on the backrest, and crossed his legs.

I have to say that although the old man is not young, he still has this momentum.Looking at Mu Nanxun's powerful aura on weekdays, it's not hard to imagine that the old man is also unusual, let alone someone who can be easily fooled.

Mu Nanxun rubbed his brows wearily, and said helplessly, "Say it."

"You said that little girl grew up in the countryside, and she didn't even know her true identity. After that incident, she must not be able to contact her biological parents by herself. I know the Su family in Yancheng. The couple has always kept a low profile They didn’t even watch the news. But after this happened, they rushed from Yancheng to Philadelphia as soon as it happened. How did they know that their daughter was treated as a monster by the media.”

Hearing this, Mu Nanxun paused, he really didn't expect the old man to catch this loophole.

He slowly raised his wrist to look at the time, it was already one o'clock at night.

At this time, almost everyone in the villa fell asleep, and the surroundings were so quiet that one could hear one's own heartbeat.This time is also the time when Mu Nanxun's defense line is weakest in the day.

The old man deliberately picked this moment to get something out of his mouth.Don't look at the old man who has been joking and swearing all the time in recent years, as if he doesn't know anything and doesn't care about anything, in fact, he is like a mirror in his heart, knowing everything.

If it was something else, Mu Nanxun would confess.But this is related to Yiyi's safety, so the less people know about her true identity, the better.Even the old man couldn't tell him.

(End of this chapter)

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