Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 232 Neither You nor I Have Blood on Our Hands

Chapter 232 Neither You nor I Have Blood on Our Hands
Qingyun paused, realized what the old man was saying, and replied,

"Old man, why do you think so? You forced that man to leave because he was not good enough for the young lady. You did it for the sake of the young lady."

"Well, I always thought it was for Wenya's sake. But I obviously did it for her own good. Why did I make her look like this? In the final analysis, I did something wrong."

"No. Missy just didn't think it through for a while, and didn't understand your painstaking efforts. All of them thought that you objected to Missy being with him because the man had no money or power. Only the subordinates knew your reason Then stop it because that man..."

"Forget it, forget it, what's the use of talking about it. Wen Ya has identified that man in her heart, even if I tell her that there is something wrong with him, she won't believe it. If you misunderstand, just misunderstand. By the way, the surveillance master you sent The person, let him come back, there is no need to execute it."

Hearing this, Qingyun was startled, "Old man, are you saying that you don't have to follow the young master from today?"

"No need, you haven't seen how that little bastard threatened me!"

The old man "teng" got up from the sofa and cursed angrily,
"Damn that brat really doesn't know what's good, don't care about him. In addition, send a few more people in the dark of the villa to protect the safety of everyone in this family. I'm worried that the Xia family will not be the only one who plots against my Mu family. They won't succeed at all." There will be another plan, so be more careful."

"Yes, old man."

Qingyun took two steps outside, suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked,
"Then old man, what do you think Miss Xia should do? Do you want to drive her out?"

"What are you going to do, let her stay here. If my own daughter is here, that old man will still have some scruples."

"Old man, you are still smart."

"Nonsense, I want you to flatter me."

Qingyun: "..."

Philadelphia, a high-end club.

"Trash, trash! They're all fucking trash!"

After a while of cursing, the middle-aged man picked up an empty teacup on the coffee table and threw it at the man standing in front of him.

The man turned sideways, avoiding the attack of the teacup. The middle-aged man became even more angry, and threw a wine bottle beside him at the man.

Sitting next to the middle-aged man, the older man got up and snatched the wine bottle from his hand, put it back in its original position, and said soothingly,

"Mr. Xia, calm down. What's the use of beating him. Even if you beat him to death, Mu Nanxun will still live well, and be the head of his Mu's company, and will always dominate us."

The one called Mr. Xia was Xia Bingqing's father, Xia Quan'an.And the man who persuaded him was Ji Nian.

Xia Quanan was still angry, spat at the man standing in front of him, and cursed,

"It's really useless. I spent so much money to invite them here, and said they were some top killers. In the end, Mu Nanxun didn't even hurt a hair. My daughter was hurt, you say, you say What are they not trash!"

"Forget it, isn't this an accident? If we still want to get the property of the Mu family and trample Mu Nanxun under our feet, don't we have to spend money to find them? You and I are both on the bright side Businessmen, you can't get blood on your hands, these things can only be settled with money."

Ji Nian whispered in Xia Quanan's ear.

Xia Quanan glared at the standing man again, said, "Get lost!", and sent him away.

(End of this chapter)

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