Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 234 Don't Touch Mu Wenya, I Want Her

Chapter 234 Don't Touch Mu Wenya, I Want Her
"What kind of man in black? I have worked in Mu's company for so many years, and I have known old man Mu for many years. I never knew that there was a man in black in their family. There is only one stupid bodyguard next to Mu Nanxun. Fang?" Ji Nian spoke first.

"Hehe, I think he's playing tricks." Xia Quan'an accepted Ji Nian's words and said, "I know the men in black from the Mu family, they're just a few bodyguards. How many bodyguards dare to be honest these days?" It was done with real swords and guns. Last time we missed it because something went wrong with my daughter. Hmph, next time I do it again, I will take my daughter back to Xia's house, and Mu Nanxun will die!"

The man shook his head disdainfully, thinking it was funny, "You are the one who almost married the Mu family. The men in black are not as bad as you think, and they are not ordinary bodyguards. On the contrary, each of them They came from the hail of bullets, and they all have real kung fu. The killers you are looking for are really no match for them."

"Then let's find the ace killer, I don't believe it, even a little Mu Nanxun can't get it." Ji Nian said bitterly.

"As far as I know, Mr. Mu also returned to Philadelphia suddenly. And he came back very low-key this time. I guess, he may have known what's going on. Maybe you two have been exposed."

"What did you say, that old thing is back?!" Ji Nian didn't know about it yet.Not only Ji Nian, Xia Quan'an didn't know either.

While speaking, the man extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and exhaled softly, "Mu Nanxun is a lion, and so is Mr. Mu. Adding two lions together, do you really think a few little killers can do them any good? "

"Then what do you want to do?"

"If you want to bring down the Mu family, you have to find their weakness first. This matter requires a long-term plan. The few of us should cooperate well, and no one should act rashly. I have a way to deal with them. I am not interested in the property, business, and status of the Mu family. I have only one request."

Hearing this, Ji Nian and Xia Quan'an looked at each other and asked, "What request?"

The man's eyes flickered, a little distracted, as if he had drifted into the distance.In just a moment, the man's thoughts floated back, and his eyes were as cold as ice again. "My request is, don't touch Mu Wenya, I want her."

"Hahaha, so you like that girl." Xia Quan'an and Ji Nian were relieved. "But I really didn't expect you to be so kind. That girl Mu Wenya is so sick that she can't leave her wheelchair all day long. You said that there are so many women in the world, why do you like this one? Looking for bad luck, hahaha..."

Xia Quan'an laughed a few times and stopped, because he found that the man looked at him with murderous eyes, as if there was a sharp knife on his throat, which prevented him from laughing.The atmosphere in the private room was quite awkward for a while.

Ji Qingnian coughed twice, broke the silence, and said to the man, "You seem to know a lot about the Mu family, who are you? Also, what's wrong with you and the Mu family, why do you want to help us. And this Mu Wenya, you knew her before?"

He asked a lot of questions, but the men didn't seem to hear them.After a while, he got up from the sofa, brushed the smoke off his body gracefully, and his voice was so low that it seemed to come from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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