Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 300 I didn't have you when I fought with your father

Chapter 300 I didn't have you when I fought with your father

After more than ten minutes, until everyone had finished talking, Mu Nanxun said lightly, "Have you finished?"

"Mr. Mu, don't blame us for being troublesome. We are all for the development of the group and for the future of all the employees of the Mu's company. I hope you will take it as a warning and listen to our advice. If so If you insist on going your own way, then our board of directors will also have to make a decision."

Ji Nian summed it up in a weird way.His meaning is obvious. If Mu Nanxun doesn't follow his wishes, the board of directors will activate the right to remove Mu Nanxun, the president.

Mu Nanxun was noncommittal, and the meeting room was silent.

Seeing that neither Mu Nanxun nor the old man spoke, the directors still feel a little guilty.

After all, the company's surname is Mu.

At the same time, assistant Jerry came in with the document and stood behind Mu Nanxun.

Mu Nanxun tapped his chin lightly at Jerry, who understood and distributed the documents.

After a while, there was an uproar in the conference room, and gradually there were chattering voices, and everyone looked at Ji Nian.

Ji Nian hadn't got the documents yet, and was wondering what was going on, when Jerry had already come to him and called out respectfully, "Ji Lao."

Ji Nian is used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and he doesn't even pay attention to Mu Nanxun, let alone a small assistant Jerry, and he is also Mu Nanxun's assistant.He also often ridiculed Jerry for his sexual orientation.

"You are a little assistant who is neither male nor female, what qualifications do you have to call me 'Ji Lao', if you have anything to say, go back to your own master, don't be an eyesore in front of me."

Jerry has long been accustomed to such ridicule and disdain, and handed the last document in his hand to Ji Nian, reminding him, "Mr. Ji, you have to take a good look at this document, don't miss it." what."


Ji Nian snorted coldly, and glanced at the document in front of him.He slapped the table suddenly, stood up angrily from his seat, and shouted angrily, "Mu Nanxun, what do you mean?!"

He didn't even call him "Mr. Mu" anymore, and started calling him by his first name.

"I mean, it's on this document." The voice was not loud, but it had an irresistible majesty and momentum.

It was a red-headed document with a bold black title: Notice of Quarterly Dismissal of Board Members.

Therefore, this is also a "dismissal" notice for Ji Nian.

"Bullshit!" Ji Nian blushed and swears, "I think you didn't exist when I was fighting with your father back then, you don't know anything about a brat, and it's fine to yell at me on weekdays. Dare to fire me. Let me tell you, you don't have the right to fire me!"

"I have," Mu Nanxun said loudly, "In addition to being the CEO of Mu's Enterprise, I am also a member of the board of directors. Not long ago, our old man transferred 30.00% of his shares to me. I now own 50.00% of the group. One share, with one veto and one decision."

While talking, Jerry distributed another document, which is the transfer letter for Mr. Mu to transfer all the shares under his name to Mu Nanxun.In black and white, write very clearly.

"Old Mu, is it really your idea to transfer the equity?"

Ji Nian asked unwillingly.This old man has retired for several years and has not mentioned the matter of transferring the equity. He spends his days traveling around the mountains and rivers, but does not ask about the group.

(End of this chapter)

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