Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 405 Are Crocodiles Such Not Picky Eaters?

Chapter 405 Are Crocodiles Such Not Picky Eaters?

"Don't worry, grandma, I'll soak myself in a fresh flower bath to make sure my body is fragrant and doesn't smell like a human being at all."

"Okay, let's go."

Grandma A Nuo smiled with satisfaction, she is still her own granddaughter, she is sensible and caring.The key is to be with her.It seems that it is the best choice for her to be in charge of the entire spirit fox clan in the future.

So, Grandma Arnold left contentedly.

Seeing her walk away, Jiang Shanshan was completely relieved.He quickly closed the door, moved away the flowers, plants and branches under the bed, and dragged Mu Nanxun out of it with a grunt, and moved him onto the bed.

"You said you, I lied to my own grandma because of you. You will be mine from now on, you must obey me and don't leave me, especially you can't go to Yiyi again, understand?! "

Jiang Shanshan hugged Mu Nanxun's neck domineeringly.

When Mu Nanxun, who was in a coma, heard Yi Yi's name, his fingertips trembled slightly, and his thick eyebrows furrowed, as if he was about to wake up.

Jiang Shanshan patted his face excitedly, "Hey, are you awake? Can you hear me? Open your eyes and look at me. From now on, I will be your boss and you will be my slave. You have to listen to what I say, and you are not allowed to resist!"

However, Mu Nanxun, who seemed to be waking up just now, fell into a coma again.No matter how Jiang Shanshan called him, there was no response.

"Oh, why did you fall asleep again? It's really boring. Go to sleep, go to sleep, you will always wake up."

After thinking about it, Jiang Shanshan quickly dug out a cave under the bed that could accommodate one person, and placed Mu Nanxun in it, and covered it with flowers and plants so that it would not be easy for other spirit foxes to find.

That's great, in this way, this man belongs to her alone!


It was already the 15th day, and Yi Yi had already searched the entire pond, and even searched all the nearby caves, large and small.She had seen a lot of snakes and mice in the cave, but she just didn't see Mu Nanxun and Mao Mao.

Are they really eaten by crocodiles without even hair left?Are crocodiles not picky eaters? Even if they eat all the meat, there must be some bones left.Even if the bones are gone, there are still Mumu's clothes, so there must be nothing left.

"Mumu... Maomao... You guys, where are you? Don't play hide-and-seek with Yiyi, this game is not fun at all. Come out soon, please, Yiyi can't find you..."

From Mu Nanxun's accident until now, Yi Yi never imagined that they would die and disappear from her world forever.But they really disappeared from her world quietly.Such a powerful and intelligent Mu Nanxun, the most proud and arrogant Mu Nanxun in the world, and Mao Mao who is extremely fierce in the face of others, how could it be possible for him to die? Impossible.

Yi Yi's nose was sore, and tears smeared his face for some unknown reason, his neck was wet, and a gust of wind blew by, making goose bumps all over his body.

I don't know if it's because I walked too long or because I didn't have a good rest in the past few days. I was so tired that I lost all strength and collapsed on the ground powerlessly. Cold tears fell to the ground even more.

I don't know how long I sat like this for so long that my feet became numb and my whole body turned into lumps of ice.


The blurred and swollen eyes were out of focus, staring at the two deep scratches on the ground in a daze.


(End of this chapter)

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