Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 408 This king is a lion with a temper

Chapter 408 This king is a tempered lion

Mumu and Mao Mao fell from the cliff together, and now that Mao Mao has been found, Mumu must be nearby.Mao Mao is fine, and Mumu must be fine too!
However, Maomao seemed to be in a deep sleep, no matter how much she shouted and slapped, she just couldn't wake up.

This is how to do.

Mao Mao is so big and thick, she can't move it, she still has to wake it up first.

Forget it, use that method.

Maomao, don't blame Yi Yi.Yiyi is also for your own good.

So, Yiyi gritted her teeth, picked up a bunch of hair on Mao Mao's neck, and tugged hard.A piece of hair on Mao Mao's neck was pulled off abruptly.Mao Mao's eyelids moved in a coma, as if there was a sign of waking up.

But immediately, Mao Mao blinked, and fell asleep again in a daze.

How sleepy is this?I can't wake up even if I pluck the hair.It seems that human beings invented this thing is really a bit powerful.

"Maomao, don't sleep. If you sleep again, Yi Yi will not be polite."

Fluffy didn't respond.

Well, then don't blame me for being hot-handed!
Yi rubbed his fists together, then picked up a handful of hair on Mao Mao's neck, and pulled it out with force.

This time, Maomao's whole body trembled, and he looked at Yi Yi with innocent and doubtful eyes, with a hint of warning.That look seemed to say, stupid little thing, dare to pluck the hair on the lion's neck, you are dead!

Yi Yi completely ignored Maomao's warning and accountability eyes, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and pulled the hair out again.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, I will pluck the hair on your neck if you sleep again. Take a look at me, I'm Yiyi, where is Mumu? Isn't Mumu with you? Have you seen her?" To him?"

No matter how tired he was, Mao Mao had no choice but to wake up after being stimulated by this hair-plucking.

Seeing that it finally woke up, Yi hugged its bare neck excitedly. "That's great, Mao Mao, you're awake! Why am I so smart, I thought of this good way to wake you up. Great, we can see Mumu now, I'm going to find Mumu!"

Maomao: Cough cough, let go... Let go of me, you hug my neck like this, I can hardly... I can't breathe.This king didn't die in the hands of those idiots, but he will die in your hands!Cough cough cough... let go... let go... oh my god, I'm going to die.

Finally, just when Mao Mao was about to roll his eyes due to being strangled, Yi Yi finally realized that Mao Mao seemed a little uncomfortable being hugged by her, and reluctantly let go of his arms.

"Hey, I'm sorry Maomao, I'm so happy to see you too. You must know where Mumu is, right? Take me to find him, okay?"

The anticipation of the past few days has finally come to fruition, and the big rock that has been hanging in Yi Yi's heart can finally be let go.

Hearing this, Maomao didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he turned his head to the side and raised his chin.

Maomao's inner OS: Hmph, all women are liars!He said that he was so happy to see this king, and it was clearly because of that man that he was so happy.Liar, big liar.

"Maomao, why don't you go, take me to find Mumu!" Yi Yi urged.

Maomao's heart: I won't go!Look at the good deeds you have done, you have pulled out not a single hair of the most beautiful hair on my king's neck.Also let me how to express love to other lionesses, how to attract other lionesses?If you don't go, don't go, if you don't go, don't go, first pay for the king's hair!Hmph, this king is also a lion with a temper!
(End of this chapter)

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