Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 418 Hand over this man, forget the past

Chapter 418 Hand over this man, forget the past
"Execute him, execute him!"

"There is no good thing in human beings, he must die, he must die!"

"Resolutely support Grandma A Nuo and resolutely protect the homeland of our Spirit Fox Clan. Anyone who opposes Grandma A Nuo is against our entire Spirit Fox Clan!"


Yi has always known that Grandma A Nuo, as the oldest elder in the Spirit Fox Clan, is quite prestigious in the Spirit Fox Clan.Therefore, even though she disagreed with Grandma A Nuo's actions in many ways before, she never confronted her head-on, and retreated if she could.

Only this time, she seemed to have no way out.

"Maomao, watch Mumu."

Yi clasped her hands tightly, staring at the clansmen who quickly surrounded her with cold eyes.

"Yi Yi, don't be impulsive." Chen Dudu realized what she was going to do, and held her hand tightly beside her.With her own strength, to fight against the entire spirit fox clan, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

"Dudu, you know, I won't let them hurt Mumu. You and Yu'er are fine, if... I mean if something happens to me, please help me send Mumu out."

"Don't talk nonsense. With me here, you will be fine."

Chen Dudu squeezed her palm tightly as a punishment for her wrong words just now.However, now that she has made up her mind, what he can do is to stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

"Dudu, what are you doing. This human has nothing to do with you, don't put yourself in it for him." Yu'er shouted anxiously.She knew that Chen Dudu must be complaining in her heart that she had told Grandma A Nuo the secret.But if she didn't tell Grandma A Nuo, Grandma A Nuo would discover Mu Nanxun's existence sooner or later.At that time, not only Yi Yi, but also Dudu and herself will be punished.

"Who said it has nothing to do with me. I rescued him from the pool, and I kept him in the healing room. If you want to say punishment, the first person who should be punished is me."

Hearing this, Grandma A Nuo looked at Yi Yi suspiciously, "Is what he said true? He really brought this man."

Yi Yi denied it flatly, "Of course not. Dudu, don't try to take the blame for me. Grandma A Nuo is so smart, how could she be fooled by your little cleverness."

"That's right. Don't argue about it. The truth of the matter is as clear as a mirror in my heart." Grandma A Nuo warned for the last time, as if she had seen through the tricks between them, "Yi Yi, Don't blame Grandma A Nuo for being cruel. If you want to protect this man, you will be punished if you fight against us. Grandma will give you one more chance to hand over this man. Grandma can let go of the mistakes you made before, and we are still the same as before Get along like that."

"Hand over this man! Hand over this man!"

The spirit foxes surrounding Yiyi raised their arms and shouted, full of righteous indignation.

Yi Yi took a deep breath, withdrew his hand from Chen Dudu's palm, and glanced at the crowd coldly, "Stop talking, let's fight."

"'s really stubborn. Listen, arrest that man! Blockers, no matter who they are, don't need to show mercy!"


Grandma Anuo gave an order, and all the spirit foxes in the clan raised their weapons and swarmed towards Yiyi.

"Yiyi be careful!"

Chen Dudu limped and rushed in front of Yiyi, defending her from the stick that almost fell on her.

The stick just hit his arm, with a "click", the bones seemed to be broken, and the pain made him break out in a cold sweat immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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