Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 432 Did the Spider Conscience Discover It?

Chapter 432 Did the Spider Conscience Discover It?
Damn, wait, when I find my beloved lioness, I will show off in front of you too!

Mu Nanxun squatted down, stretched Yi Yi's body horizontally, picked him up, then stood up, holding it high.Make sure her entire body is above the water...

Yiyi felt dizzy for a while, and then her body hung in the air in Mu Nanxun's hands.

Suddenly breaking away from the cold bottom made her tremble all over, and only then did she clearly feel that her legs seemed to have temporarily lost consciousness.

"No, Mumu, let me down quickly. Your body won't be able to bear it."

Yi Yi struggled anxiously, trying to jump out of his arms.

"Stay well and don't move."

Mu Nanxun was displeased, and frowned at her.

The hand holding her whole body tightened involuntarily.At the same time, his body trembled uncontrollably.Could it be that he forgot that he himself was seriously injured and had just woken up from a coma for several days.How can I stand up to such pretense.

As soon as Yi lowered her head, tears were about to fall anxiously.

"I beg you, Mumu, just let me down. I'm a spirit fox, my body... I'm very resistant, this little injury, a small injury to me... I don't pay attention to it at all. You suffered such a serious injury before, and if you soak in this cold water again, you will not be able to bear it."

He didn't speak, but hugged her a little tighter, and kissed her delicate neck.

"Don't talk, don't move. If you want me to live two more days, just be good."

His voice was as gentle as a puddle of clear water.But his body was like a mountain, standing beside her.

She can lean on him whenever she wants.

Yi Yi clenched his hands tightly, and his long nails sank into the flesh.How can she always hurt people, this unlucky girl.

Dudu is like this, Mao Mao is like this, Mumu is like this...

At this moment, there was a gradual movement around the originally silent water prison, and rustling sounds came from far to near.

When I saw it clearly, I realized that it was a group of dark spiders!
The spider held its tail with poisonous thorns high, and crawled towards the two of them covetously.

This is specially bred by the spirit fox clan to punish the unpardonable spirit fox.

The poison of these spiders will not kill the victim, but after a bite, the poison will slowly penetrate into the skin and flow to the whole body along with the blood and bone marrow.The organs in the body will fail little by little, making life worse than death for the bitten person.

On weekdays, these spiders are kept in dark boxes in water prisons, so they won't come and go easily.As for the entire spirit fox clan, only Grandma A Nuo and Jiang Shanshan can release the spiders.

It's vicious!Jiang Shanshan used such cruel methods to deal with them.

Yi Yi's heart rose to her throat in an instant, she beat Mu Nanxun's shoulder anxiously, struggling,

"Mu Nanxun, let me down quickly! Let me down!"

And Mu Nanxun just gave her a cold look, pursed his lips, and didn't speak.

Seeing the spider getting closer and closer to them... However, when the spider reached the water's edge, it suddenly stopped and lingered.

"What, what's going on? Did these spiders find out their conscience?"

Yi Yi said to himself.

Chen Dudu smiled wryly, "Uh Yiyi, I think spiders will find out with conscience, you must be the first one in all ages."

Mu Nanxun frowned, almost without thinking, glanced at her, and said helplessly,
"I think there should be something in the water that they are afraid of."


(End of this chapter)

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