Little fox, your tail is showing

Chapter 439 If You Can't Open This Iron Chain, You Don't Want to Live

Chapter 439 If You Can't Open This Iron Chain, You Don't Want to Live
Now, there is no guard outside this water prison, no matter how much she yells and breaks her throat, no one will come to rescue her.

"Didn't you say that you are the most precious spirit fox of the spirit fox clan?" Mu Nanxun asked coldly.

Jiang Shanshan's neck hurt from being pinched by him, and she didn't know what he was going to do, so she could only resist instinctively and nodded, "Yes, yes..."

"So, your life is very valuable?"

"This is... this is natural." Could it be that this human being knows now that she, the future master of the spirit fox clan, is not easy to mess with.

Yi Yi understood, and twitched the corners of her mouth, "Mumu... isn't this nonsense, Jiang Shanshan's life is worth more than our lives combined."

"Since it's so valuable, if we let her die with us, won't we lose money?"

"Of course it's not a loss. The life of a spirit fox master is worth ten lives of our ordinary spirit fox." Chen Dudu also joined the discussion.

Hearing this, Yi nodded in agreement, and calculated carefully, "Jiang Shanshan's life is worth ten lives. Here, I, Dudu, you, Mumu, and Mao Mao, only have four lives. Calculated like this, If we died together with Jiang Shanshan, we would have earned 4 more lives."

Maomao: How can one life of this king not be worth a fox, this king refuses to accept it!
Jiang Shanshan listened to them discussing each other with each other, and her heart became more and more uncertain.

"You... what do you mean, what are you going to do? Don't mess... don't mess around."

Mu Nanxun frowned, with a look of impatience on his face, "We've talked so much, but you still don't understand what we're going to do. Then I'll put it more bluntly. Anyway, Yi Yi and Chen Dudu They can't get rid of the iron chains, they can only wait here to die. And I, a human being, trespassed on your situation, and it is also a death. If this is the case, then I will kill you before we die. Save it It’s gone underground, and there’s no one to take revenge on.”

While speaking, Mu Nanxun increased the strength of his hands, until several red marks appeared on Jiang Shanshan's neck.

Jiang Shanshan was in pain and fear.Although she is the future leader of the spirit fox clan, Yiyi and Chen Dudu have never been afraid of her, plus this human being who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.Together, they might really put all their eggs in one basket and strangle her to death!
"No...don't kill me. I...I..." Jiang Shanshan was about to cry. She had never been so useless before.

"That's up to you." Mu Nanxun snorted coldly, and the strength in his hand gradually increased, almost pinching Jiang Shanshan out of breath.

Jiang Shanshan danced and struggled, her pupils widened.It seems that this human is not joking with her, he really wants to kill her.

"Anyway, if this iron chain can't be broken, we won't be able to survive."

"I...I...I have a way..." Jiang Shanshan roared out these words with difficulty.

This is exactly what Mu Nanxun and the others wanted.

"I know you have a way, so hurry up and say it."

Jiang Shanshan was depressed, quite depressed.Such a good man, how could he care so much about Yi Yi? Why would the future leader of her spirit fox clan be no better than Yi Yi.

It's okay for Chen Dudu to be so blind, why is this human being so blind!
"Say it."

Seeing her hesitate, Mu Nanxun raised his eyebrows impatiently.

Jiang Shanshan was terrified by his yelling, and hurriedly recruited him truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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