Chapter 105 Sleeping Together
Tang Zhan quickly explained: "No way, I really apologize to you from the bottom of my heart!"

However, Chen Yan seemed to be really angry this time, she turned her head away and ignored Tang Zhan!
Tang Zhan was a little anxious. After all, Chen Yan was his intelligence agent. Without Chen Yan, he couldn't do many things!
Simply, Tang Zhan was heartbroken, picked up the quilt and jumped onto the bed.

There's no way, people are angry, and it's justified to let them take advantage of themselves!

But he didn't expect that all of this was Chen Yan's scheme!

Just as Tang Zhan laid down on the bed carefully, Chen Yan suddenly turned over, hugged Tang Zhan directly, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, you are my prey, the one that can't escape!"

Tang Zhan snorted, not planning to resist any more.

But Chen Yan obediently buried her head in Tang Zhan's arms, closed her eyes and went to sleep without saying a word!
Tang Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, he was really scared!

The next day, the two woke up early, and after washing and dressing up, the two quietly went downstairs.

It was still dark at this time, and the two got into the cotton cart directly, and then Mu Yangtong gave an order, and the convoy drove towards the city gate.

The two hid in the mouth of the cotton, and the cotton was high-quality and airtight, and soon the two became hot and sweating profusely.

Looking at Chen Yan's drenched ketone body, Tang Zhan seemed to be moved in a daze.

He seemed a little regretful that he didn't do anything last night.

Chen Yan noticed Tang Zhan's gaze, she didn't hide it, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, are you violating me with this gaze?"

Tang Zhan quickly shook his head and said, "I didn't!"

"Hahaha, you are so cute!"

Chen Yan touched Tang Zhan's face.

Suddenly, the car stopped, and the two of them closed their mouths tacitly, because at this moment, the little devil started to search the car!
But although the little devils have been brainwashed and are very brave in combat, they are not very good at hunting and arresting. They moved the cotton and moved it. It felt a bit heavy, so they simply stopped moving and let them go!

Tang Zhan didn't expect this. The little devils in the provincial capital of Taixi were like idiots. Tang Zhan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Tang, do I look better or your little nurse?" Chen Yan asked.

The car has continued to start, Tang Zhan showed a lewd expression on purpose, and said: "You look good, but your face is not good-looking!"

Chen Yan, an old driver, understood it almost instantly, and she laughed instantly.

"Head Tang is quite interesting!"

Soon after, the transportation team arrived outside Qingping County. Tang Zhan got off the car and said goodbye to Chen Yan. He returned to Xuancheng by himself, while Chen Yan returned to Qingping County.

Chen Yan returned to her small pharmacy. She took a shower and changed into clean clothes. Thinking back to her experience last night, she couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yan whispered to herself: "Sooner or later, I will eat you!"

At this time, one of his bodyguards walked in.

"Miss, I just got the information that more than 2000 little devils from Qingping County have been dispatched, and the target seems to be Crouching Tiger Village, the original stronghold of Captain Tang!"

Chen Yan was taken aback, and hurried to Xuancheng.

Because Tang Zhan relied on a pair of feet, he returned to Xuancheng relatively late. He just took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub when the door opened suddenly, and it was Chen Yan who came in!
Tang Zhan was dumbfounded at the time, and quickly said: "What are you doing, get out! I'm warning you, it's broad daylight, don't act rashly!"

However, Chen Yan approached charmingly, stretched out her head to take a look, and said with a smile: "Head Tang is well-developed!"

"Get out!" Tang Zhan was extremely angry, he roared!
Chen Yan smiled, looked at Tang Zhan lewdly, and went out slowly at the same time.

Tang Zhan wiped off the water angrily, put on his clothes and came out, and said angrily: "Why didn't you knock on the door before you entered, besides, you saw that I was taking a bath, why didn't you go out?"

"I want to see you, what's the matter, are you dissatisfied?" Chen Yan put on an indifferent expression.

"Teacher Tang, let me tell you something important. Because of Kenjiro Oshima, Ichiro Doihara ordered Junichiro Kodo to retaliate against you, but Xuancheng and the others couldn't get in, and the bomber also failed in front of you. So they chose to attack your lair, Crouching Tiger Village!"

Chen Yan knew that there was no need to delay, so she hurriedly told the information she got!
"Okay, thank you!" Tang Zhan also got serious, he went back to the house and changed into his military uniform, and went straight to the barracks.

Tang Zhan found Xu Fu and ordered Xu Fu to take his 1000 men and all the heavy and light weapons in his hands to follow him to Crouching Tiger Village immediately!
At this time, more than 2000 little devils had arrived at Crouching Tiger Village.

Although Tang Zhan replaced the base camp with the more developed Xuancheng, he left 200 people in Crouching Tiger Village, and at the same time left a mortar position, the purpose is to prevent the little devils from retaliating against Crouching Tiger Village .

But more than 2000 little devils are indeed not enough for 300 people in Crouching Tiger Village. Besides, they don't have many heavy weapons, only [-] maxims, [-] crooked handles, and [-] mortars. .

While talking, the scouts at the forward position had found the little devil's trail, he ran back quickly and reported the incident to the company commander Zhang Liuchun!
Zhang Liuchun was from Crouching Tiger Village, he knew that he would stick to Crouching Tiger Village no matter what, and at the same time he hurriedly sent someone to ask Tang Zhan for help.

"Company commander, look, the devil has touched it!"

The guard pointed to the dark little devils 300 meters away from the position!
Of course Zhang Liuchun knew that they were almost the whole team of little devils, but under the influence of Tang Zhan, they fought with the determination to die, so even if the guards of Emperor Zongguo came, he would not be afraid!
"Order the forward position to fire shells, and give me a good blast of the little devil!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of mortars was endless, and Commander Ooka Zero Chong thought that there was no one guarding Crouching Tiger Village, so he didn't order the troops to advance slowly!

He paid the price for his arrogance. The scene of continuous artillery fire caused heavy casualties to his frontline troops. The battlefield was full of stumps, corpses and wailing sounds, and the soil was burnt black!
Zero Chongnan Ooka was very angry, it was fine if he couldn't beat Xuancheng, if he couldn't beat this small Crouching Tiger Village, wouldn't Junichiro Koizumi want to kill himself?
"Don't be afraid, fight back on the spot, everyone obeys my order, and rush up desperately!" Ooka Zero Chongnan ordered loudly!

The little devils are a bunch of brainwashed eccentrics. This group of people is not afraid of life and death at all. They braved the artillery fire and rushed forward without fear!

If there were hundreds of people, they would probably have disappeared by now.

But this was a total of 2000 people. Soon, they escaped the shelling and came to a close range that the mortar could not hit!

(End of this chapter)

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