After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 125 Husband, You Are Really Amazing!

Chapter 125 Husband, You Are Really Amazing!

"Are you busy tomorrow?" Jiang Chuxin changed the subject in order to ease the embarrassment.

Lu Xiangyuan frowned and paused, "It's okay."

"Then let's go on a date..." Jiang Chu thought for a while and said.

When Lu Xiangyuan heard the word date, his heart was full of flowers, and his expression was full of tenderness, "Okay."


Lu Xiangyuan came out of Jiang Chuxin's house, and the first thing he did when he got in the car was to call Li Jingtong, "Help me make room for tomorrow's schedule."

Li Jingtong's voice came from the phone, "What do you need tomorrow?"

"A date." Lu Xiangyuan raised his eyebrows, and there seemed to be an evil curve at the corner of his mouth.

Li Jingtong didn't expect to be stuffed with dog food so unexpectedly!
"Goodbye!" Li Jingtong looked frustrated...

This is definitely Chi Guoguo's show off! !
Lu Xiangyuan hung up the phone, started the car and drove slowly.

The next morning, Jiang Chuxin woke up.

After thinking for a while, she turned on her phone, found some dating tips sent by her little assistant before, and began to study.

"Well, watching a movie seems good!" Jiang Chuxin nodded, and drew a circle in the column of watching a movie.

"Shopping?" A picture appeared in Jiang Chuxin's mind, that is, Lu Xiangyuan was recognized by fans, and the two were surrounded by fans?Otherwise, Lu Xiangyuan sat on the chair tired and refused to leave? ?
Jiang Chuxin shook his head, "Let's forget about this!"

"Amusement parks, art exhibitions, zoos..."

After studying the plan, Jiang Chuxin cleaned up a bit, put on a hat and mask, and went out.

The place the two made an appointment was on the sixth floor of a large shopping mall, an entertainment venue.

There are not only cinemas, but also many entertainment items, such as grabbing dolls, dancing machines, etc...

Jiang Chuxin saw that Lu Xiangyuan hadn't arrived yet, and waiting was boring anyway, so he exchanged some game coins, sent a message to Lu Xiangyuan, and started wandering around.

She walked all the way to the place where the dolls were caught, and she was attracted by the dazzling array of dolls in the window. Jiang Chuxin fell in love with that little yellow duck at a glance. It has a red face and a pouty mouth. It looks so cute!
She stared intently at the little yellow duck in the window, put in the coin with the momentum of being sure to win, looked at the aim and pressed the button, only to see the big hook stretched down, touched a point and stretched up again.

Did not catch!

Until Jiang Chuxin almost used up the exchanged game currency, he didn't catch it.

Jiang Chuxin went back and exchanged some game coins again, returned to the place where the doll was caught, and stared at the little yellow duck angrily, it must be taken down today!
When Lu Xiangyuan came, what he saw was Jiang Chuxin angrily grabbing the doll. Seeing that the doll was about to come up, the hook fell off again!

Jiang Chuxin looked discouraged.

"It's too difficult..." Jiang Chuxin sighed, and looked at the little yellow duck reluctantly.

After hearing this, Lu Xiangyuan smiled, took out some game coins from his pocket, and encouraged her, "Try again."

Jiang Chuxin tried several times, but she always fell off at the last step.

At this moment, a couple next to him yelled, and the man took out the doll he had caught, and handed it to his girlfriend with a proud expression on his face.

The girl was also very happy, took the doll and hugged the boy to dance, then kissed him on the face, and said coquettishly, "Honey, you are really amazing!"

Jiang Chuxin looked at them with a hint of envy in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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