Chapter 154 Evidence!

After getting the evidence, Jiang Chuxin changed her mind, she didn't want to fight with Ning Huan anymore, she was as weak as a chicken, even beating her dirty her hands.

Jiang Chuxin curled his lips coldly, looked at Ning Huan and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I won't beat you anymore, I'm going to play with you in another way."

"What do you want to do……"

Jiang Chuxin ignored her, took the phone directly, turned around, opened the door and left.

As soon as he left the room, Lu Xiangyuan and his assistant just arrived.

The little assistant watched Jiang Chuxin come out with a smile, looked at Ning Huan's room, and heard that there was no movement in the room, and there was a clear footprint on the door...

He swallowed nervously, his voice trembling, "Where's Ning Huan? Was death?"

It's over, it's over, there's no sound in the room, it's dead!I blame myself for not stopping Sister Chuxin, the incident happened because of her...

"Go away, just say I did it." The little assistant said with a look of death, and pushed the two to leave quickly.

"Pfft..." Jiang Chuxin was amused by the little assistant, "What are you thinking about?"

Lu Xiangyuan glanced at the little assistant, thinking that this kid has no brains!
"Evidence!" Jiang Chuxin raised the phone in his hand, and showed off to the two, "Sister, do I seem to be the kind of person who can only do it?"

A few people were about to leave, but Jiang Chuxin stopped and turned to look at Ning Huan who was standing there with a pale face in the room, and said in a relaxed tone, "I'll take the phone first, you can go to the police station to get it!"

After hearing this, Ning Huan shook his body a few times, and wanted to snatch the phone away, but when he met Shang Lu Xiangyuan's deep eyes, he suddenly froze.

There was a chill in his eyes, with a hint of warning.

Ning Huan swallowed the words that came to his lips, and watched them take away his mobile phone, his eyes were a little more sinister.

Originally, she wanted to wait for the exposure, but now she can't wait!

Fortunately, Ning Huan still had a spare cell phone. She called Cheng Mengxue with a cold voice, "Let's expose it! Remember to buy more manuscripts."

Cheng Mengxue hummed, and then asked, "Huanhuan, when is the director you want to introduce to me coming? I've been waiting here for a long time."

Hearing Cheng Mengxue's tone of displeasure, Ning Huan suppressed the resentment in his heart, "Maybe something has delayed me on the way. Just wait a little longer, I'll call the director."

Although Cheng Mengxue was angry, she had no choice but to wait.

Ning Huan hung up the phone, found the director's number and called, but it rang for a long time but no one answered, she had a bad premonition in her heart, she called again and was hung up.

Unwilling to give up, Ning Huan called a few more times, and the call was finally connected.

"Hey, Director An, didn't we make an appointment to have dinner together today? My friends have been waiting for you there for a long time, why haven't you come yet?" Ning Huan asked sweetly, holding his voice.

Director An used to like this the most. Today, after hearing her voice, she stopped screaming, "I can't go. That role has already been decided."

"Ah? Director An, why is this happening?" Ning Huan was anxious, "You clearly promised him, how can you not count your words? Do you not like him anymore?"

When Director An heard Ning Huan say this, he seemed to think of her acting like a baby. Although he felt very sorry, she was not easy to mess with. There is no need to lose her job because of a woman!
 Cuties!Ask for tickets, please check in and comment on the interaction~ I will add more today, mua~

(End of this chapter)

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