After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 159 The Most Important Only You

Chapter 159 The Most Important Only You
#Why do I feel like there is a huge conspiracy
#Front row watching the show, punching in and eating melons


Not long after Jiang Chuxin posted Weibo, Lu Xiangyuan came.

The little assistant has now practiced the self-cultivation of a tool man, giving the two of them a chance to be alone.

As soon as Lu Xiangyuan came, she winked at Jiang Chuxin, closed the door and left.

"Here you are." Lu Xiangyuan walked up to Jiang Chuxin, handed over a document bag, his lips curled slightly, and there was a gentle smile in his eyes.

Jiang Chuxin took the file bag with some confusion, "What is this?"

"Open it and you'll know." Lu Xiangyuan sat beside Jiang Chuxin casually, motioning for her to open it.

Jiang Chuxin opened the document bag, which contained a house purchase contract and a key.

"This is?" She opened the contract, and her name was written on it.

She was stunned, thinking of what Lu's mother said just now, could it be that she really bought a house for herself? ! !
Jiang Chuxin turned his head and looked up at Lu Xiangyuan, a trace of shock flashed in his bright eyes.

"No way?" Jiang Chuxin asked in disbelief.

Do you want to be so fast? !I thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be true...

Lu Xiangyuan patted Jiang Chuxin on the head, a stream of light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke slowly, with a deep and magnetic voice, "Take it."

Jiang Chuxin shook his head nervously, put the contract into a file bag, and then returned it to Lu Xiangyuan, "No, no, I can't accept such a valuable thing from Auntie."

"Wedding room." Lu Xiangyuan frowned slightly, "Mom's all about it."

"We're not married yet!" Jiang Chuxin looked up at her with a complicated look on her face. After thinking about it, she still felt that she couldn't accept it. "I know this is my aunt's wish, but I really can't accept it now..."

"Well, I've accepted the key to your house, but I really can't accept this house."

Although the two of them have confirmed their relationship, they haven't reached that point yet, so it's somewhat inappropriate to accept her now...

Lu Xiangyuan knew that Jiang Chuxin had already made a decision in his heart, so he put away the contract. Since his wife refused to accept it, he could keep it for her first...

Seeing that Lu Xiangyuan didn't continue to persuade himself to accept the house, Jiang Chu felt relieved, blinked his eyes lightly and smiled.

Lu Xiangyuan looked at her cute smiling face, and there was a ripple in his eyes...

"When are you going to make our relationship public?" Lu Xiangyuan looked at Jiang Chuxin with his dark eyes and asked calmly.

"Or take this opportunity..." Lu Xiangyuan didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was very clear.

Jiang Chuxin was taken aback for a moment, bit her lips, thought for a moment, looked up at Lu Xiangyuan and said in a low voice, "Is it a little too fast?"

Lu Xiangyuan's career is now at its peak, if he announces his relationship at this time, it will probably cause dissatisfaction among many fans...

At that time, it will definitely affect his career...

She still wants to wait until she is good enough to be recognized by everyone, and then the announcement may have less impact.

Naturally, Lu Xiangyuan knew exactly what she was worried about. He stretched out his long arms to wrap Jiang Chuxin in his arms, rested his chin on the top of her head, and said in a low voice, "You don't need to think about that, because to me, the most important thing is It's only you..."

A few short words made her heart tremble, and her heart was filled with warmth...

(End of this chapter)

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