After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 180 Is your candy as sweet as a kiss?

Chapter 180 Is your candy as sweet as a kiss?
At this moment, a colleague opened the door and walked in, and whispered something in Xiaoyan's ear, Xiaoyan couldn't believe it and staggered back a few steps.

After the panic, Xiaoyan took out his mobile phone tremblingly, and then dialed the first number of the mobile phone contacts, with a nervous expression, thinking silently, "Hurry up and answer the phone..."

But no one answered the phone for a long time...

Xiaoyan lost control of his emotions in an instant, stepped forward and grabbed Li Xingxing's collar, his eyes turned red instantly, and his voice was trembling but unusually firm, "Say! Where is he?"

Ning Huan was frightened by Jiang Chuxin's aura, and couldn't take part in the scene for a while, and was stunned.

Some of the surrounding staff were moved and secretly wiped their tears...

Ning Huan was so overwhelmed by Jiang Chuxin's acting skills that he couldn't catch up. He was stunned for a long time, and his mind was so empty that he even forgot to say his lines.


Hearing the director shout Ka, Jiang Chuxin let go of Ning Huan's collar, and there was still a layer of mist in her reddish eyes, and it took a long time to calm down.

Ning Huan took several deep breaths, and finally came out of the fear just now.

"Jiang Chuxin's performance is very good!" Feng Yuan praised excitedly, Jiang Chuxin gave him a thankful look, and stretched out his fist to show that he will continue to work hard!
Feng Yuan was very satisfied, and his smile was extraordinarily bright.After complimenting Jiang Chuxin, his eyes shifted to Ning Huan, he put away his smile for a moment, stared at Ning Huan and said, "Ning Huan, you need to pay more attention to your acting skills, concentrate on your acting skills, and don't be stupid."

Listening to Feng Yuan's lecture, Ning Huan's face was hot, and he felt very shameless.She bowed her head humbly and nodded to show that she knew, but her lowered eyes were full of resentment and jealousy.

Jiang Chuxin was definitely trying to steal her limelight on purpose!I don't know what tricks she used to make the director defend her like this.

Isn't it just a heroine?Not by climbing into a man's bed!
She is not rare to give her!

Lu Xiangyuan handed over water in front of the little assistant, Jiang Chuxin took a few sips and said "Thank you."

He actually ordered Lu Xiangyuan to serve her tea and water!If Lu Xiangyuan was with her, she would definitely not order him to do any work.

Ning Huan saw this scene, his eyes were full of jealousy, he bit his lip hard, and clenched his fists.

All this should belong to her!
The atmosphere here is obviously very relaxed, Jiang Chuxin and the little assistant were chatting and laughing, and Lu Xiangyuan occasionally interjected a few words, which made Ning Huan's jealous eyes burst into flames.However, Lu Xiangyuan didn't give her a look at all...

The little assistant dug out a few lollipops from the bag and handed them to Jiang Chuxin, "Sister Chuxin, male god, do you want some candy?"

Just as Jiang Chuxin was about to reach out to take it, she saw Lu Xiangyuan suddenly approaching her, and the next second, her thin lips covered hers, passing by like a dragonfly.

Lu Xiangyuan looked at the little assistant who was stunned, and raised the corners of his eyes slightly, with a lazy expression, "Is your candy as sweet as a kiss?"

The little assistant's hand shook, and the candy that was handed out fell to the ground, and the candy in his mouth was no longer sweet in an instant!

Woohoo, the male god is too good at this...

Seductive skill +10086
No wonder sister Chuxin's soul will fly away after being hooked by the male god...

Jiang Chuxin didn't expect that Lu Xiangyuan would kiss her suddenly, he was startled for a moment, and then a smile spread from the corner of his mouth.

"I feel your contempt for me as a single dog." The little assistant silently picked up the candy that fell on the ground, and suddenly had the idea of ​​throwing it away.


 In these few chapters, my diabetes is about to come out. Babies like it~~~~(>_<)~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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