Chapter 205 Forgive Us
"That's right, I don't know what the director likes about Jiang Chu."

"Let's just talk about the last time. The director clearly said it was okay, but after watching it, Jiang Chuxin said that he felt that it was a little bit worse, and he could show it better. He insisted on pulling us to reshoot, and the filming lasted until two o'clock in the morning. It made me stay up all night, and the next day I had several pimples on my face, and the director scolded me again..."

"Don't mention it, who told us that no one is so rich, looks so good-looking, and has the ability to win a man's heart..."


These people did not deliberately lower their volumes, their voices were neither too loud nor too soft, and fell into Jiang Chuxin's ears clearly.

They were sure that Jiang Chuxin would not dare to do anything to them in front of everyone. After all, she usually behaved very kindly, which was one of the reasons why they dared to provoke so openly.

"I'm so pissed off! Those people did it on purpose, and they are still talking bad about you behind your back. I can't stand it anymore." The little assistant glared at them fiercely, rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush forward.

"Leave it alone, let me do it." The little assistant was stopped by a voice.

Jiang Chuxin's expression was indifferent, she stopped the makeup artist's movements, and walked in front of several people with her hands crossed over her chest.

Usually, there are many people who slander her, and she doesn't think about taking these blacks in her eyes. If everyone has to go up and tear it up, wouldn't it be exhausting.

But now, she felt that if she didn't show up again, those people might think she was easy to talk to!

It seemed that they didn't expect Jiang Chuxin to come over, and they closed their mouths guiltyly, looking at Jiang Chuxin with uneasy eyes, but they still had to fight back so that they didn't look timid.

Jiang Chuxin stared at the person who spoke first, with a smile that was not a smile, and her voice was cold, "You still have some self-knowledge, knowing that you can't compare with me. I spend my time and energy studying the script and acting skills, but you will only stand in the original position." Looking up at others, envious and jealous in my heart!"

After speaking, he began to look at the other person, word by word, "And you, you can't recognize your own problems, and you have a mouth that likes to preach. Can your plays be as low as your salary?"

"I'm just more casual, but I'm not without temper. For those of you who talk behind your back, I just want to say that my slap suits your face very well!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chuxin stretched out her palm, and then gently patted the faces of several people, with a cold smile on the corner of her lips, with a strong sense of warning, "Let me hear you talking nonsense next time, I don't mind telling you the truth, I am best at slapping, I think Ning Huan should have a deep understanding of this, right?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chuxin cast her eyes on Ning Huan who was watching the fun, and asked with a smile.

Sensing Jiang Chuxin's gaze coldly sweeping over, Ning Huan's eyes flickered, as if he could feel that his face was still in pain, his face changed, he bit his lips and didn't speak, and quickly moved away from his mouth. line of sight.

Maybe it was because the momentum exuding from Jiang Chuxin was too frightening, several people stood there with pale faces, no longer the acrimony just now, K began to apologize in a low voice, "We know we were wrong...don't dare to do it again next time. "

"Your Excellency has a lot, please spare us this time, we dare not say it again."


"Hmph, let me hear you say bad things about my sister Chuxin in the future, and I will tear your mouths apart." The little assistant raised her fist angrily, and warned with bravado in front of several people.

Several people nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and they didn't dare to say anything again.

(End of this chapter)

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