Chapter 207 The Crooked Door Theory
Hearing that Li Minghai said that he could try his best to help him negotiate the filming of the advertisement in advance, Jiang Chuxin was very happy, and the depression in his heart just now was instantly emptied.

"Oh, I knew you could do it, Brother Ming Hai!" Jiang Chuxin gave Li Minghai a thumbs up, "Thank you, Brother Ming Hai!"

Li Minghai smiled slightly, "Okay, you can sign the contract if there is no problem, I will leave later, I have something to do in the afternoon."

Jiang Chuxin nodded, and looked through it briefly. Brother Ming Hai has always been reliable, so she was more at ease, and signed her name after seeing that there was no problem.

After Li Minghai accepted the contract, he was about to leave, "You should have a good rest at noon, I'll go back first."

Jiang Chuxin sent Li Minghai to the door, then went back to the lounge and squinted for a while.

When it was time for shooting in the afternoon, the little assistant greeted Jiang Chuxin with a smile.

Jiang Chuxin kept a straight face on purpose, teasing the little assistant, "Oh, I heard that someone has quietly asked for leave this Saturday, and plans to abandon me!"

When the assistant heard this, her eyes widened, and she blurted out, "Sister Chuxin, how do you know..."

Turning my head around a little, I knew that Brother Ming Hai must have told Sister Chuxin, "Brother Ming Hai is really true, I clearly told him not to tell you, he is just a big mouth..."

After finishing speaking, he met Jiang Chuxin's half-smile expression, panicking himself that he was about to miss something, hurriedly covered his mouth and widened his eyes with annoyance.

Seeing how cute the little assistant is, Jiang Chuxin tapped her on the head lightly, and lengthened the ending, "Oh~ yeah, don't tell me..."

Seeing Jiang Chuxin smiling, it was obvious that she was not angry with herself, the little assistant smiled and shook Jiang Chuxin's arm, "Sister Chuxin, I didn't tell you for your own good."

Jiang Chu raised his eyebrows and looked at the little assistant with suspicion.

Could it be that Brother Ming Hai didn't tell her that he wanted to abandon himself...

"Look, if you had known in advance that I was going to take time off to go to the male god's concert, then you would definitely miss it and have no intention of working!"

"At that time, if you always think of me, if it affects your performance, then I will be guilty~" The little assistant turned around and started his own "credulous theory".

When he said these words, he was thinking of Jiang Chuxin everywhere, and he couldn't think of any reason to refute what Jiang Chuxin said.

"You are the skinniest!" Jiang Chuxin said with a smile.

"By the way, did you get your concert tickets yet?" Jiang Chuxin asked a few more words.

The little assistant happily shared with Jiang Chuxin, "That guy Su He looked unreliable, but he didn't expect to have a few brushes, so he helped me grab one."

The voice changed, and he said regretfully, "I only bought one, and I can only go to see it by myself, and I can't be with my cousin."

After the little assistant finished speaking, his eyebrows were slightly lowered, and he smiled lightly, "I can't help it, I have to bear the pain and go to the male god's concert alone."

Jiang Chuxin: "..."

Why do I feel that you don't show regret at all on your expression, but you are very happy?
Is this the legendary Versailles? ?

"Then I wish you a happy watching in advance." Jiang Chuxin raised her eyebrows slightly, then pursed her lips into a smile.

Seeing Jiang Chuxin like this, the little assistant patted his chest and said with great loyalty, "Sister Chuxin, don't worry, I will record the whole process with my mobile phone and send it to you. Rounding up means that you have also been there!"


(End of this chapter)

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