Chapter 209 Police, don't move!

"Okay, I'll let our people back down." Xiaoyan waved his hand to signal the people who followed him to back down. Although those people were unwilling, they still followed suit.

With the hostage in his hands, Li Dazhuang felt a lot more relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he remained vigilant all the time, "Back off, too!"

"Okay, okay." Xiaoyan raised his hand and stepped back dozens of steps.

Li Dazhuang took the opportunity to put forward his own request, "Prepare me a car and still have 100 million yuan, don't try to play tricks, if you let me know, I will kill him!"

In order to stabilize Li Dazhuang, Xiaoyan had no choice but to agree, "The car is easy to get, but if it is money, it will take some time to prepare."

"I'll give you an hour, if it doesn't work, I'll kill him directly!" Li Dazhuang nodded, he can't waste time here, the stars are still waiting for him...

Xiaoyan took out the walkie-talkie and began to communicate with the leader, and the preparations over there were also being prepared normally.

About four or ten minutes later, the car and money were ready, and Li Dazhuang got into the car while holding hostages.

Li Dazhuang told them not to follow, otherwise the hostages would be killed directly. Those policemen had already marked the car, so they didn't panic and nodded in agreement.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the police, he drove away at a high speed...

Halfway through, Li Dazhuang knocked out the hostages and threw them into a ditch overgrown with weeds, then found the little-known path and met Li Xingxing.

Li Xingxing had been waiting impatiently for a long time. When he saw a car approaching, it was Li Dazhuang sitting in the car, and his heart was relieved.

"Follow me!" Li Dazhuang said with a sullen face, carrying a box, "There are 100 million people here, and we fled overseas."

Li Xingxing looked at Li Dazhuang with some struggles in his eyes, but finally refused, "Dazhuang, I can't leave without revenge, I'm sorry..."

"You take the money and drive away in my car..." Li Xingxing pushed Li Dazhuang to get into the car, but Li Dazhuang refused.

The time is urgent, and there is not much time to persuade, so we must make a big deal!

Li Xingxing took a deep breath, hugged Li Dazhuang and said affectionately, "Thank you, Dazhuang. If you regret it, just take the money and leave... I can understand that you don't want to avenge me. And ,I love you……"

After speaking, he let go of Li Dazhuang, and tears welled up in his eyes instantly.Finally, she took a deep look at him, determined and reluctant, as if she wanted to engrave him in her heart.

Li Xingxing turned around and got into the car that Li Dazhuang had just driven, started the car and sped away in another direction...

Li Dazhuang knew that Xing Xing wanted to attract the attention of the police for him. She must have reported her determination to be arrested, and her heart was touched...

He decided to avenge Xing Xing and killed Chu Yang for her.

If there are no stars in your future life, what's the point?

At this time, Li Xingxing in the car wiped away her tears, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth. She was sure that idiot Li Dazhuang would not run away alone, as they had discussed before, killing Chu Yang to avenge herself...

Li Dazhuang looked at the direction Li Xingxing left meaningfully, wiped away his tears, got in the car and drove in another direction.

The police quickly found the unconscious hostage in the ditch. After rescuing the hostage, they tracked Li Dazhuang's car and stopped the car at an intersection very quickly.

"Stop, police, don't move!" The surrounding police surrounded the car with their guns raised.

(End of this chapter)

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