Chapter 230
"Oh~ what's wrong?" Zhang Liangzhong squinted his eyes, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the armrest of the chair, with a hint of chill in his voice.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Xiaoyang's forehead when he was asked, "I... I shouldn't be disobedient, I shouldn't go back to China..."

"It seems that you know it yourself." Zhang Liangzhong slowly stood up from the seat, walked in front of Zhang Xiaoyang, "If you do something wrong, you will be punished."

Hearing the punishment, Zhang Xiaoyang shook his head in fright, looked at him with fear in his eyes, and prayed again, "Grandpa, I really know that I was wrong... please forgive me this time, I will not do it again without your order." I dare not..."

"I'm going back now, never coming back..."

But Zhang Liangzhong didn't show any emotion on his face, he stood up slowly, then walked up to Zhang Xiaoyang and stopped in front of Zhang Xiaoyang with his crutches, his voice was hoarse and dull, "If you do something wrong, you will be punished..."

After finishing speaking, he winked at the bodyguard standing at the door, and in an instant, the two came over and started punching and kicking the people in the room. Zhang Liangzhong walked out of the study, and said coldly, "I'm back!" Don't leave, just stay here for now."

"Ah..." Zhang Xiaoyang's painful voice came from inside the room...

Zhang Liangzhong came out of the study, opened a secret room and came to a room.What catches the eye is a bed, and there are various medical equipment beside the bed.Lying on the bed was a middle-aged man wearing an oxygen mask and a tube inserted into his body.

It can be seen that the man on the bed must have been lying down for a long time, his complexion is a little pale, his thin eye sockets are a little sunken, his eyes are tightly closed and motionless.

Zhang Liangzhong stared at the man on the bed for a long time, with a loving face, and a gleam of light in his cloudy eyes.He sat in front of the bed, and covered the man's hand with his wrinkled and dry hands...

After a long time, he staggered out of the room.


When Jiang Chuxin finished filming at the intermission, she saw the little assistant pinching her waist and arguing with Su He. Seeing Jiang Chuxin walking over, the little assistant pulled her to ask her to comment, "Sister Chuxin, do you think Su He is unreasonable! "

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chuxin looked at the two and asked with interest.

Immediately afterwards, the little assistant explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly. It turned out that it was because the little assistant bought milk tea and didn't bring him a cup. As a result, he snatched what the little assistant had drunk. The little assistant was anxious to buy him another cup. In the end, Su He didn't want to drink what she had drunk...

"Just because of this?" Jiang Chuxin almost wanted to hit the little assistant's little head, what a pimple.

Su He held up the milk tea in his hand showing off, and took a sip deliberately, "How do I know if you will poison the milk tea because you want to repay me, of course I want to drink what you have drunk!"

"Do you think I'm like you! Careful, hum!" The little assistant pulled Jiang out of Chuxin angrily, and said angrily, "Sister Chuxin, let's go! Ignore him."

After speaking, the little assistant picked up another cup of milk tea and put it in Jiang Chuxin's hand, "Sister Chuxin, this cup is for you!"

Back in the room, Jiang Chuxin looked at the little assistant while taking off her makeup and asked, "Mengfan, don't you see that Su He is interested in you?"

The little assistant was surprised, "What? Impossible!"

"How is it impossible, my eyes can see clearly!" Jiang Chuxin narrowed her eyes slightly, with a brisk smile in her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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