After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 233 There Are Still Many Good Men

Chapter 233 There Are Still Many Good Men
The little assistant's words aroused dissatisfaction from Li Minghai who lay innocently in the front row, "Meng Fan, you can't kill everyone with one shot! There are still many good men!"

"That's right, my male god is a good man." The little assistant thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Li Minghai: "..."

I want you to boast that I didn't see it? ! !


Early the next morning, before Jiang Chuxin woke up, the staff knocked on the door.She got out of bed with sleepy eyes and opened the door.

"Morning, here is today's task card!" The staff smiled and handed over the task card, followed by several cameras.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chuxin was refreshed instantly, took the task card and greeted with a smile, then went back to the room to change clothes and get ready.

After simply packing up, Jiang Chuxin started to set off according to the prompts on the mission card!

A total of four locations are given on the task card, including a coffee shop, a game room, a bookstore, and a flower shop.Meet with the designer partner you want to cooperate with this time according to the location you choose.

Jiang Chuxin looked at the four places on the card, and finally chose the flower shop, but when she got to the place, she was told by the staff of the program group that someone had already chosen, so she had to go to the next place.

"Then which ones can I choose now?" Jiang Chuxin turned her head slightly to the staff beside her and asked. When she learned that no one had chosen the other three, Jiang Chuxin simply set her goal Game room not far from the flower shop.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chu rushed directly to the game room.But what I didn't expect was that after she came to the game room, the matter hadn't been finished yet, and she had to find a designer to complete the pairing.

The program team is doing something!

Jiang Chuxin was wandering around in the game room by herself, and after about a circle, Jiang Chuxin had locked her target in a corner.

She squinted her eyes and looked at a man in the corner, wearing a peaked cap and playing a game console with his head down, without even raising his head.

"Hi!" Jiang Chuxin stepped forward and blinked to greet the man in the corner.

The man heard the voice and slowly raised his head. The moment their eyes met, the two said at the same time, "It's you?"

The reaction of the film crew of the program group was that they knew each other when they saw the two, and they were a little surprised.This designer has been abroad before and only recently returned to China.

"Sister, what a coincidence!" It was Shen Shu who reacted first, and greeted Jiang Chuxin with a smile on his face. Seeing that the person he was going to cooperate with was Miss Chuxin, Shen Shu was very happy.

Jiang Chuxin lowered her eyebrows slightly, with a light smile, "It's a coincidence, but I really didn't expect you to be a fashion designer."

Jiang Chuxin's tone was a little surprised. She really didn't associate this sunny and smiling boy with the fashion designer industry.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I will be recording with my sister in future shows! Happy cooperation!" Shen Shu said with a smile, and stretched out his hand.

After Jiang Chuxin shook hands with him politely, the staff announced that Jiang Chuxin and Shen Shu had successfully teamed up!

The successful team, under the guidance of the staff, came to the venue to meet.

When Jiang Chuxin arrived, there was already a couple waiting. Seeing them approaching, the girl greeted Jiang Chuxin warmly, "Hi, my name is Xu Lan."

Xu Lan's eyes are very pure, and he smiles very nicely, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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