Chapter 275 Husband
"Hey..." Jiang Chuxin glanced at her, and a cold sneer curled up on the corner of his mouth, "I don't know what you mean by looking for someone else's husband dressed like this?"

Lu Xiangyuan enjoyed Jiang Chuxin's "husband" very much, and the smile in his eyes deepened a bit.

"You!" Ning Huan's expression kept changing, he was so angry that he couldn't bear it, "You are shameless! You are calling her husband before you are married!"

"That's better than some people climbing into the bed of different men before they are married?" Jiang Chuxin suppressed the smile in his eyes, although his tone was light, but it was full of lethality.

Ning Huan was so angry that his lungs were going to explode, he gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he was going to eat Jiang Chuxin.

Helpless, she could only look at Lu Xiangyuan with pleading eyes, hoping that he would be more sympathetic.

I don't know what's so good about Jiang Chuxin, she's rude and incomprehensible, how can she compare to her.

However, Lu Xiangyuan didn't even look at her, not only that, but also said as if something happened, "Honey, do you smell it, who seems to have come out without brushing his teeth in the morning. Let's go somewhere else?"

Jiang Chuxin pursed her lips, and said with a shallow smile, "That's right, it stinks to death!" Then she slapped her nose.

The two sang together like this, stomping Ning Huan's feet angrily, looking at the back of the two leaving, his eyes were stained with crazy hatred.

Ning Huan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "You forced me to do this!"

She walked to a corner where no one was paying attention, whispered to a man in hotel overalls, and finally returned to the banquet hall satisfied, took a glass of wine and drank, but never took her eyes off Lu Xiangyuan.

Director Feng came to Lu Xiangyuan with a glass of wine. Lu Xiangyuan stopped a waiter who was carrying a tray, took a glass of wine and drank it down.

When Ning Huan saw Lu Xiangyuan finish his drink, he was both nervous and excited.

There seemed to be a fire burning in her eyes, which made her heart throb.

Seeing that his goal had been accomplished, Ning Huan quietly withdrew from the banquet, found Lu Xiangyuan's house number, and opened the door excitedly.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt hot all over, and her mind was full of the scene of Lu Xiangyuan pressing her under him, and even her breathing became a little heavy thinking of this.

Ning Huan took off all his clothes, ran to the bathroom, took a shower, sprayed on perfume, took out a set of sexy lingerie from his bag, and put it on shyly.

After doing all this, she secretly hid under the quilt, anxiously waiting for Lu Xiangyuan to arrive.

As time went by, Ning Huan felt that she was a little confused, and even her body was so hot that she lifted the quilt covering her body uncomfortably. The cool clothes on her body only relieved the heat. .

Suddenly, the door rang.

Then came the sound of footsteps, Ning Huan retained a sliver of consciousness, thinking of what happened next, he felt that he could no longer bear it.

She can't wait.

Before the man got to the bed, he rushed up, put his arms around him and kissed him.

The man paused for a moment, but quickly cooperated, and his breathing became a little messy.

He looked at Ning Huan, who was wearing cool clothes in front of him, his eyes were straightened, especially when her little hand was restlessly touching his...

Ning Huan enthusiastically wanted to untie the man's clothes, because he was too impatient and even tore the man's shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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