After I fell in love with the actor, I became popular

Chapter 277 Don't Want To Let You Down

Chapter 277 Don't Want To Let You Down
"It's fine, don't worry, besides it's raining outside at this late hour, where do you let her go as a girl?" Jiang Chuxin felt that Lu Xiangyuan was a little unhappy and comforted him.

Lu Xiangyuan nodded, hugged Jiang Chuxin into his arms, and rubbed his chin against her head gently, with a low voice, "I don't want to disappoint you."

She was obviously looking forward to this trip so much.

For them, there is very little time for rest, and sometimes they have to turn upside down day and night because of work. If they miss this opportunity, they don't know when it will be the next time.

Jiang Chu smiled happily, "I know."

When Che Qing came out of the shower, the two of them did not hear the conversation in the kitchen, she bit her lower lip and remained silent, her eyelashes trembling slightly, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at the ground, not knowing what she was thinking.

Until the sound of boiling water came from the kitchen, Che Qing quietly left.When I came to the sofa in the living room, my eyes fell on a notebook on the table.

She picked it up curiously, and there was a travel plan recorded in beautiful characters on it. For a moment, Che Qing had mixed feelings in her heart.

Lu Xiangyuan came over with a bowl of ginger tea, Jiang Chuxin followed.

Seeing that Che Qing had come out of the shower, Jiang Chuxin said to her with a smile and concern, "You were caught in the rain just now, be careful of catching a cold, drink this bowl of ginger tea."

Che Qing put down the notebook in her hand, nodded obediently, took the ginger tea and drank it carefully, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Thank you. Did I cause you trouble?"

Jiang Chuxin twitched the corners of her mouth, and comforted her, "It's okay."

Che Qing smiled lightly, then shifted her gaze to the notebook, and asked curiously, "Are you planning to travel abroad?"

Jiang Chuxin narrowed her eyes slightly, "I was able to travel abroad for free when I won an award for recording a program before. I just happened to be fine these days, so I just..."

After listening to Jiang Chuxin's words, Che Qing felt deeply sorry, and said anxiously, "Why don't you send me to the hotel? Don't delay you because of me, I finally got the chance."

Jiang Chuxin patted her on the shoulder to reassure her, "What are you talking about? How can we rest assured that you will go out and live by yourself, don't think too much about it."

Lu Xiangyuan pondered for a moment, pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice, "Stay here for a night first, and I will send you back tomorrow."

When Che Qing heard that Lu Xiangyuan said that she was going to send her back, the circles of her eyes were slightly red, and her eyes dimmed a bit, her voice was crying, "I won't go back."

"Even Brother Xiang Yuan wants to force me like this?" Tears welled up in Che Qing's eyes, her whole face was pale, she stood up and took a deep look at the two of them, as if she had made up her mind, "Since even You don't welcome me either, so I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, he walked out the door without looking back, Jiang Chuxin quickly pulled her back, and signaled Lu Xiangyuan with his eyes to persuade her quickly.

She was in a bad mood at this meeting, and if she was stimulated like this again, it would be bad if she did something stupid.

"Forget it, you can decide by yourself tomorrow." Lu Xiangyuan's eyes were slightly alienated.

Jiang Chuxin took the opportunity to persuade her for a while, and then Che Qing's mood stabilized, and she forced a smile.

After Che Qing went to rest, Jiang Chuxin looked in the direction of her room and sighed softly. A girl who usually looks strong and optimistic can also have a sad and disappointed side.

(End of this chapter)

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