Chapter 310

Originally, those rumored blacks thought that Jiang Chuxin was just putting on a show, and he would definitely not do anything to them, and they were still clamoring on Weibo, but their account was blocked after a while.

Now they really panicked, opened a small account and apologized on Weibo, admitting their mistakes.

"They have already apologized on Weibo and contacted us to intercede. Alas, they are all a group of children. Do we still have to pursue it?" Li Minghai sighed silently.

When he asked those children why they wanted to smear Jiang Chuxin, he didn't expect that it was because they didn't want Jiang Chuxin to be with their male gods, so they did so.

Jiang Chuxin was silent for a second and then looked at Li Minghai, with a crisp tone, "Let's forget about those underage children this time, but that paparazzi must be investigated to the end."

Li Minghai nodded, "You don't need to tell me, I will do the same. That paparazzi must be Ning Huan blowing the pillow wind."

After finishing speaking, Li Minghai went on to say, "Ning Huan didn't agree with following that paparazzi and wanting to hug the patron's father, but those patrons avoided them one after another, and lost a lot of money after they terminated the contract with the company. Even her parents They all dislike her and don't recognize her as a daughter anymore, she is miserable enough now, but it's also her own fault."

Jiang Chuxin's delicate eyebrows twitched slightly, "This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy."

Li Minghai nodded in agreement. He has been in this circle for a long time. He knows that this circle is cruel, but there is no need to do something outrageous, because sooner or later he will suffer retribution on himself.

"By the way, are you going to the party later? I'll take you there." Li Minghai put away his thoughts, looked at Jiang Chuxin and asked.

Jiang Chuxin nodded slightly, "Well, okay, then I'll clean it up first, see you in the garage later."

Li Minghai sent Jiang Chuxin to the place where Che Qing held her birthday party. It was a manor halfway up the mountain, and it looked very grand.

When Jiang Chuxin got out of the car, he found a lot of luxury cars parked outside. It seems that many people came to this party.

"Miss Jiang, this way please." Soon someone stepped forward to greet him, and Jiang Chuxin nodded slightly at him and followed him to the party scene.

The party was held on the lawn of the manor garden, and the surrounding decoration was even more high-end and luxurious, with flowers all over the place, and champagne, fruit and snacks on the table.

As soon as Che Qing saw Jiang Chu's heart, she ran over happily, "Be careful, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Today's Che Qing was specially dressed up, wearing a dress that was expensive at first glance, she looked quite like a young lady from an aristocratic family.

"Well, happy birthday to you!" Jiang Chuxin was also very happy for Che Qing, and reached out to hand over the gift.

Che Qing blinked and took the gift with a happy look, "Thank you, I'll accept it."

After the two chatted for a few words, Che Qing was called to greet other guests.

Jiang Chuxin saw many faces that were often seen on the screen appeared at the party, but he was not very familiar with those people, so he didn't go up to say hello, and came to the snack area by himself, took some snacks and started eating.

Fortunately, Su He and Cheng Xiang also came, otherwise Jiang Chuxin would have to eat to the end by herself.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are quite a lot of people here today!" Su He glanced around and said.

Jiang Chuxin was not surprised at all. After all, Che Qing's identity was there. This was a rare opportunity to show her face. How could those people miss this opportunity.

The moment she came, as long as there were people gathered around, there would be voices praising Che Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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