Chapter 320 The Murderer
"I've already contacted the people over there, and there should be news soon." Li Jingtong said calmly.

Lu Xiangyuan's long eyebrows moved slightly, and a "hmm." came out in his voice.

There were a lot fewer vehicles at night, and Li Jingtong drove a lot faster, but it still took a lot of time to get home.Seeing that Jiang Chuxin was still asleep, Lu Xiangyuan carried her out of the car, went upstairs and put her on the bed.

After covering the quilt and staying there for a while, he went downstairs.

Things progressed very quickly. Not long after arriving home, Li Jingtong received a call from the person in charge, saying that the poisoner had been caught.

Hearing that name, Li Jingtong frowned slightly, said a few more words and then hung up the phone.

"I've caught it, and it's been imprisoned now. It's Ning Huan!" Li Jingtong didn't expect that woman to be so vicious, he paused, took a deep breath and continued, "The news came from the hospital just now that the woman who ate it by mistake Rescue by the staff was ineffective..."

Hearing this, Lu Xiangyuan's dark eyes were cold, his brows were furrowed with deep anger, and a cold breath radiated from his whole body.

If Jiang Chuxin really ate it wrong by accident...

He didn't even dare to think about it.


New progress has been made on Weibo about the takeaway poisoning incident, and the truth of the incident has finally been made public.

It turned out that Jiang Chuxin was just a victim, and someone else poisoned him.

It was none other than Ning Huan.

Last time Ning Huan blew in the ear of the paparazzi, trying to ruin Jiang Chuxin's reputation, but he was exposed.Not only that, but they sued the paparazzi.The paparazzi who had nowhere to vent their anger took her as a punching bag when they returned home, not only swearing at her, but also committed domestic violence against her, and even lost their children...

The doctor said that after the abortion of the child, she would never be able to conceive again in this life.The paparazzi found out about this and kicked her out of the house...

Even Ning Huan's parents were unwilling to take her in, bluntly saying that they wanted to sever ties with her.The disheartened Ning Huan pushed all the culprits on Jiang Chuxin. If it wasn't for her, she might still be the big star who has many fans and is admired by others...

Maybe the person Lu Xiangyuan likes will be himself, all of this is Jiang Chu's trick.

In this way, Ning Huan embarked on an extreme path.

Everyone who knew the truth gathered around the gate of the police station on the day Ning Huan was arrested. When she got off the police car, they threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves at her.

In the end, Ning Huan was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of intentional homicide. He would never even think about getting out of prison in this life. Everyone felt that the adults were happy.

A woman with a vicious mind like her can't wait to shoot her directly.But for hurting an innocent human life, and letting her spend the rest of her life in repentance, perhaps this is the best punishment for her.

Jiang Chuxin stayed at home blocking all external signals for a few days, and finally found out about it.

When she heard the news of the staff member's death, she was stunned for a long time and couldn't get back to her senses. The little assistant also felt guilty and didn't sleep for several days. As long as she closed her eyes, she would feel that she had killed innocent people.

In the end, Jiang Chuxin disregarded everyone's obstruction, and attended the victim's funeral in disguise.When he learned that the victim had only one elderly mother, he anonymously remitted a sum of money for her and decided to provide for the lonely old man.

The little assistant would often visit the old man and treat her like his own relatives...

(End of this chapter)

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