Chapter 331 My Huanxi Enemy
Hearing what Su Lingwei said, a dazed figure stopped, turned around and left with a pause.

"Okay, don't say these brave words." Jiang Chuxin saw through her heart, hugged her and comforted her.

After sending Su Lingwei home, Jiang Chuxin went back to the villa alone, took out the results of today's battle one by one, took out the letter paper and began to write seriously, sometimes frowning, sometimes happy.

Time passed little by little, until everything was ready and Jiang Chuxin nodded in satisfaction.

After Jiang Chuxin finished recording "Crazy Design Show" the next day, he was ready to go to the audition for Lu Xiangyuan's upcoming TV series "Hello, My Huanxi Enemy".

Unexpectedly, just hearing Wen Ya's assistant was discussing casting with her, Jiang Chuxin was a little happy and took the initiative to talk, "Senior, are you going to audition for "Happy Enemy" too?"

Wen Ya raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, and raised a sweet smile towards her, "Yes, are you too?"

Jiang Chu nodded excitedly.

"It's a coincidence that we will have the opportunity to cooperate so soon." Wen Ya looked at Jiang Chuxin and said.

"Then why don't we go together later!" Jiang Chuxin invited, Shui Lingling's big eyes were full of anticipation and a little apprehension.

Unexpectedly, Wen Ya agreed directly without even thinking about it. After chatting along the way, they unexpectedly got in touch with each other. No matter their hobbies or what, the two of them were surprisingly consistent.

Although the age difference between the two is quite a bit, and they have only met a few times, they seem like friends who have known each other for many years.

They came to the interview site together in a car, which caused quite a stir.

Many staff members did not expect that the two could come together and look familiar.

Jiang Chuxin and Wen Ya passed the audition smoothly, but it will take a few days for the results to come out.

After the audition, Jiang Chuxin planned to go to Qin Huai and bid farewell to Wen Ya.

Unexpectedly, Wen Ya took the initiative to ask Jiang Chuxin, "Chuxin, do you have something to do later?"

Jiang Chuxin nodded, and said with some embarrassment, "Well, I'm going to the bar to find a friend later."

Hearing what Jiang Chuxin said, Wen Ya's eyes were a little disappointed, "Oh, that's it..."

Seeing that she seemed a little disappointed, Jiang Chuxin thought about it and said, "If you're okay, come with me!"

Wen Ya's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she was very happy, "Really?"

"Is it alright if I go?" Wen Ya suddenly thought of something, and asked with a smile.

Jiang Chuxin took her arm, "It's okay, anyway, I have to do some small things."

Hearing what she had said, Wen Ya stopped coddling and went with Jiang Chuxin.

Along the way, Jiang Chuxin realized that today was Wen Ya's birthday, and she didn't want to go home alone, so she wanted her to accompany her.

Jiang Chuxin was a little surprised, but she still patted her chest to assure her that this birthday will definitely be unforgettable for her!
The two came to Qin Huai's bar together, and Qin Huai came after waiting for a while.

After Jiang Chuxin greeted Wen Ya, she and Qin Huai came to a quieter corner.

Qin Huai was slightly surprised to see that Jiang Chuxin was looking for him today.

Jiang Chuxin didn't beat around the bush, and looked directly into Qin Huai's eyes and asked, "Qin Huai, I'm here today to ask you something."

Qin Huai was still a gentleman, poured Jiang Chuxin a drink, and replied, "What's the matter?"

Although he was calm on the face, he had already guessed many kinds of questions in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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