Chapter 503 Wise
"Just such a small matter is worth your anger." Jiang Chuxin said with a slight hook on her lips.

"Since the brand changed the person in charge, it has cut corners on raw materials and used some cheap substitutes. Sooner or later, something will happen."

The little assistant completely believed what Jiang Chuxin said, without any doubts.

Hearing what she said, she suddenly realized, "So that's why you rejected that brand owner!"

Jiang Chuxin raised his brows slightly, and the expression on his face was self-evident.

"Miss Chuxin is wise!" the little assistant praised with a thumbs up.

Jiang Chuxin smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Xiaowan finished filming the ad in a very high-profile way, and the ad was released quickly. Because of her recent popularity, many fans bought it.

Naturally, the sales volume of the Hall of Dreams has also increased a lot. Jiang Xiaowan has become a lot more arrogant in the past few days. When she saw Jiang Chuxin, her nostrils were almost turned up, and she didn't take her seriously at all.

But Jiang Chuxin didn't have Jiang Xiaowan in his eyes at all, so he chose to ignore it. The little assistant also calmed down a lot, and didn't come forward to argue when he heard the ridicule.


When the program group of "Imagination Star" knew that Xinya was Jiang Xiaowan, Teacher Tang Chao found the program group and said that Jiang Xiaowan was not Xinya at all, and the songs she sang could not be easily distinguished by ordinary people. But he knew it wasn't true as soon as he heard it.

This Jiang Xiaowan can only be said to be a good imitation, but her singing skills and breath are completely inferior to Xinya.

Teacher Tang Chao was so convinced that Jiang Xiaowan was not Xinya, she went to the production crew to ask her to continue participating in the competition and put it on hold for the time being.

"You must find Xinya! This is my only request." Tang Chao left after saying this to the person in charge of the program group.

The program team had no choice but to investigate for a while, whether this Jiang Xiaowan was honest or not.

The staff who were in charge of connecting with Xinya went to the community where she lived again. This time, she spent a lot of effort to find a real estate agency to find Xinya's information, and asked to check the surveillance of the community.

To the surprise of the staff, although this Xinya is not Jiang Xiaowan, she is also a female celebrity with a relatively high profile.

The staff who learned the truth brought the news back without stopping for a moment.

The director was also shocked when he learned of Xinya's true identity, and then called Mr. Tang Chao.

After Tang Chao knew that the program team had found the real Xinya, his voice was a little excited, "I want to meet her in person!"

The director nodded, then sent someone to pick up Mr. Tang Chao, and they rushed towards the crew together.

When they arrived at the set, many people were excited and very happy to see Tang Chao.

I don't know how Tang Chao, who hasn't been out of the mountain for a long time, suddenly appeared on the crew.

"Why do you think Teacher Tang Chao will come?"

"I don't know either, but that director looks familiar to me."

"You don't know, do you? I know what they're here for!" A man said with his hands crossed and his head slightly raised with pride.

The people next to him looked at him like this, and cast their eyes on him one after another, and asked impatiently, "You know? What are they here for? I see Teacher Tang Chao's face is anxious."

"A friend of mine is in the program group of "Imagination Star". According to him, it seems that Mr. Tang Chao intends to accept Xinya as a closed disciple, so that's why he came to the production group to find someone!"

"Hiss...really? Is Teacher Tang Chao still accepting apprentices?"

"Then that... Jiang Xiaowan doesn't want to be angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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