Chapter 519

If it wasn't for Chu Mo, she wouldn't let Su Qin take her car.

The deep magnetic voice was alienated, "No need."

The two really didn't want to entangle with Wang Siying any more, so they left without looking back.

Wang Siying was stunned, and by the time she realized it, the two had already walked a long way.

Su Qin and Chu Mo walked out of the Astronomical Exhibition Hall holding an umbrella. Because it was raining too much, they found a bus stop to hide from the rain.

Su Qin saw at a glance that Chu Mo's body was mostly wet, and suddenly felt a little strange in his heart.

After realizing that something was wrong with him, Su Qin shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

People like Chu Mo are the best at acting, understanding girls' minds makes girls feel soft and moved.

She must keep her head clear and calm herself down.

Thinking of this, Su Qin's eyes became calm again.



The two spoke at the same time, and after a moment of surprise, they both said in unison, "You speak first."

Looking at each other and smiling, Su Qin said, "Then let me talk first."

With a faint smile in Chu Mo's eyes, he looked at Su Qin seriously and listened to her.

Su Qin pursed his lips, clenched his hands slightly by his side, and finally mustered up the courage to say, "Do you like me?"

Chu Mo seemed a little surprised when he heard Su Qin's question. He raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, as if he was meditating, but didn't speak.

At this time, the bus just came.

Su Qin jumped on the bus without waiting for the answer. Seeing Chu Mo hesitate, Su Qin had an answer in his heart.

The answer is no.

When the car closed and started, Chu Mo finally came to his senses.

He wanted to get into the car, but the driver had already started the car slowly.

"You haven't heard the answer yet!" Chu Mo said anxiously.

Su Qin opened the car window and said slowly amidst the pattering rain, "Next time."

Chu Mo didn't hear what Su Qin said, so he could only judge by her accent that it was the next time.


Shooting ends.

Jiang Chuxin and Lu Xiangyuan came down from the set chatting and laughing, and found that everyone had a drink.

When it was time to remove makeup in the dressing room, Jiang Chuxin realized that these drinks were a treat from Monsoon, and the two had already announced their relationship.

Jiang Chuxin was not very surprised, just before she took down Zhang Yuan in just a few days, and when Zhang Yuan was determined to deal with her, Jiang Chuxin knew that Jiang Xiaowan's methods were unusual.

Later, after Zhang Yuan's family suffered an accident, Jiang Xiaowan immediately changed his face and dumped Zhang Yuan.

During this period of time, he turned around and threw himself into Ji Feng's embrace. In fact, what surprised Jiang Chuxin was Ji Feng.

Because of her work, she also had contact with Ji Feng several times, and she felt that Ji Feng was not that kind of casual man.

The assistant's expression was exaggerated, and she approached Jiang Chuxin mysteriously and said, "Sister Chuxin, do you know how the season producer got along with Jiang Xiaowan?"

Jiang Chuxin wasn't very interested, but seeing the excitement on the little assistant's face, he still cooperated, and asked lightly, "How did it work?"

The little assistant raised his head, proud of his well-informed, "I heard people say it's because of the orphanage."

Jiang Chuxin looked puzzled.

The little assistant explained, "I heard people say that the two of you knew each other before they were on the set. The producer of the season is a child who came out of the orphanage, so he often goes to the orphanage to see those children and donates some supplies. Later, Jiang Xiaowan often went to that orphanage, and the two got to know each other after coming and going."

"Don't you think this is a conspiracy?" After finishing speaking, the little assistant added another sentence.

 I have to code on my wedding day, I may be the first...

(End of this chapter)

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